Volaris - Spikes/Investigation
Volaris - Spikes/Investigation
- SPIKE [FAT-1635] mod-inn-reach: Using Inn-Reach sandbox environment and (or) mock server in integration tests
- SPIKE [FAT-1652]: mod-inn-reach: Study existing solutions for mocking (mock servers) and choose the appropriate one
- SPIKE: [MODINREACH-10] Possible Methods to Trigger Actions in INN-Reach Module When a Patron Performs Certain Circulation Actions
- SPIKE: [MODINREACH-19] Approaches to securely store central server key/secret pair
- SPIKE: [MODINREACH-20] Investigate possible methods to implement OAuth2
- SPIKE: [MODINREACH-22] Verify Inventory Domain Events Published for Remote Storage and Elasticsearch Can be Used to Trigger Updates to Bibs and Items
- SPIKE: [MODINREACH-78] Record Contribution: Analyze domain event pattern implementation in mod-inventory-storage and mod-search
- SPIKE: [MODINREACH-79] Record Contribution: Analyze data required for D2IR contribution
- SPIKE: [MODINREACH-80] Record Contribution: Analyze Re-Index job implementation usage in mod-inventory-storage
- SPIKE: [MODUSERBL-155] Investigate current implementation for using optional interfaces