FOLIO DCB Configuration
FOLIO tenant configurations
For OpenRS to produce expected results in FOLIO, each FOLIO tenant needs the following settings. Those labelled "Auto" are autocreated when the tenant is enabled for DCB (enablement requirements in ticket US1331136).
Type | Role | Usage | manual or auto creation | Examples |
Patron Groups | supplier | Used at the supplying library to identify the borrowing patron group. Virtual patron records are automatically generated via FOLIO DCB API in the supplying library when a request is created by OpenRS. Virtual patron groups are used in circulation rules when the item is loaned to the virtual patron. A loan to the virtual patron results from a checkout to the patron at the borrowing library. Patron group mapping is configured via DCB Admin Module to see how patron group mapping works. Tim Auger | Manual | |
Material Types | borrower | Used at the borrowing library to identify the supplier material type. Virtual item records are automatically generated via FOLIO DCB API in the borrowing library when a request is created by OpenRS. Virtual material types are used in circulation rules when the item is loan to the patron. A loan to the patron results in a checkout ot the patron at the borrowing library. Material type mapping is configured via DCB Admin Module to see how material type mapping works. Tim Auger | Manual |