Enabling mod-data-import for local tenant "diku"
Enabling mod-data-import for local tenant "diku"
Enabling mod-data-import for local tenant "diku"
- Download the archive below and unpack it near by .vagrant folder. Archive download link → mod-data-import_enable.7z
- Clone next list of modules: mod-data-import, mod-data-import-converter-storage, mod-source-record-manager (unlike the step above you can do it at any place).
- For each module run "mvn clean install". In case there test errors occur during maven build, run the same command with option -DskipTests.
- Form generated target file of each module grab the fat.jar and ModuleDescriptor.json & DeploymentDescriptor.json and place it under the target directory of corresponding folder(it has the same name as module) within mod-data-import_enable folder that you have unpacked from achieve earlier.
- Then run your vagrant box (up + ssh) and move to mod-data-import_enable folder under vagrant in console → cd /vagrant → cd mod-data-import_enable
- Run the enable-all.sh script → ./enable-all.sh + ENTER
Within archive as well the scripts for ebnabling each module in separate mode are presented as well. The enable-all.sh performs the same as these scripts, but in the correct order. So, running only enable-all.sh will be enough to enable mod-data-import.
So, for enabling mod data import, required modules should be enabled in the next order:
- mod-data-import-converter-storage
- mod-source-record-manager
- mod-data-import
If you wish to run some of the modules in debug mode then you have to modify docker-DeploymentDescriptor.json where it is needed to add debug port at HostConfig section and populate JAVA_OPTIONS config value with -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address={{debug port number}}. See example below.