Enabling mod-data-import for local tenant "diku"

Enabling mod-data-import for local tenant "diku"

Enabling mod-data-import for local tenant "diku"

  1. Download the archive below and unpack it near by .vagrant folder. Archive download link → mod-data-import_enable.7z
  2. Clone next list of modules: mod-data-importmod-data-import-converter-storagemod-source-record-manager (unlike the step above you can do it at any place).
  3. For each module run "mvn clean install". In case there test errors occur during maven build, run the same command with option -DskipTests. 
  4. Form generated target file of each module grab the fat.jar and ModuleDescriptor.jsonDeploymentDescriptor.json and place it under the target directory of corresponding folder(it has the same name as module) within mod-data-import_enable folder that you have unpacked from achieve earlier.
  5. Then run your vagrant box (up + ssh) and move to mod-data-import_enable folder under vagrant in console → cd /vagrant → cd mod-data-import_enable
  6. Run the enable-all.sh script → ./enable-all.sh + ENTER

 Within archive as well the scripts for ebnabling each module in separate mode are presented as well. The enable-all.sh performs the same as these scripts, but in the correct order. So, running only enable-all.sh will be enough to enable mod-data-import. 

So, for enabling mod data import, required modules should be enabled in the next order:

  • mod-data-import-converter-storage
  • mod-source-record-manager
  • mod-data-import

If you wish to run some of the modules in debug mode then you have to modify docker-DeploymentDescriptor.json where it is needed to add debug port at HostConfig section and populate JAVA_OPTIONS config value with -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address={{debug port number}}. See example below.