Reference tickets for estimation

Reference tickets for estimation

The team agreed to use the following tickets as a reference for 1 story point task.

Front End reference task

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Add the button "Go to the test page" to the page.
  2. By clicking on the button user must be redirected to the "/test-page"
  3. Button text must be localized
  4. The presence of a button on the page and the possibility of redirect should be checked by tests

Back End reference task

MODOAIPMH-69 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The current identifier field in responses is built using the UUID of the record in SRS. Once the instance record and the SRS record are linked, we need to use the UUID of the instance in the identifier field.

The instance is linked to SRS in 999 MARC field:

          "999": {
            "ind1": "f",
            "ind2": "f",
            "subfields": [
                "s": "72df3f2e-4fc5-4696-96af-5738ae22781e"
                "i": "6b39c214-f422-4dce-8b1a-7f12c57576b8"


  • "s" - UUID of SRS record
  • "i" - UUID of Inventory record (this one should be used in Identifier field)

Note that this is required in order to fulfil the following requirement from https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html#UniqueIdentifier

The unique identifier maps to the item, and all possible records available from a single item share the same unique identifier

This way, the same unique identifier will be used for all representations of the instance (MARC, DC, etc.). The difference would be the metadata prefix

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The Identifier field is build using the instance UUID, not the SRS UUID.
  • Unit and API tests are updated

Assumption: all test data are ready and valid.