Spitfire Team

Spitfire Team

Spitfire Development Team

Meet the Team 

Khalilah Gambrell

kgambrell@ebsco.comProduct OwnerUnited States (US)

Christine Schultz-Richertcschultz-richert@ebsco.comProduct OwnerUnited States (US)

Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan (Vijay)RGopalakrishnan@ebsco.comFSEUnited States (US)

Kalibek Turgumbayevkalibek_turgumbayev@epam.comSolution ArchitectKazakhstan (KZ)

Pavlo Smahin


Team Lead (Java)Ukraine (UA)

Viacheslav Kolesnyk

viacheslav_kolesnyk@epam.comJava DeveloperPoland (PL)

Mukhiddin Yusupovmukhiddin_yusupov@epam.comJava DeveloperUzbekistan (UZ)
Svitlana Kovalovasvitlana_kovalova1@epam.comJava DeveloperUkraine (UA)

Denys Bohdan

denys_bohdan@epam.comJS Lead DeveloperUkraine (UA)

Dmytro Melnyshyndmytro_melnyshyn@epam.comJS DeveloperUkraine (UA)

Valery Pilkovalery_pilko@epam.comQAGeorgia (GE)

Natalia Zaitseva


Scrum MasterUkraine (UA)

Team Calendar

Below you can find vacation email template that you can use.

You should cc: PO - Khalilah, SM - Natalia, Front-end Lead - Denys or Back-end Lead - Pavlo, DM - Oleksii Petrenko and your Resource Manager

all request should be sent in advance, the only exception is emergency requests for 1-2 days  

for a 1 week vacation the request should be sent, preferably, 2 weeks before.   

for long term vacations (2 weeks) the request should be sent, preferably, one month before. 

for vacations 3-4 weeks the request should be sent, two month before.

Vacation template

Hi team, 

I would like to take a vacation

on  12  - 17  of November 2022


on  17nd  of December 2022

Please approve if there are no objections.  

Scrum Board

For the items to be fetched and shown on the board the following requirements should be met:

  • Item must have 'epam-spitfire' label in case it in posted in some other project;
  • Item must have 'back-end' or 'front-end' label to be caught by quick filters;
  • Item should have Development Team = Spitfire (to be filtered out from manual testing queue).

Spitfire - Jira Flow

Definition of Ready

User Story or Bug can be added to Sprint  only if it conforms to the following criteria of Definition of Ready:

  • Requirements are clearly expressed by PO, reviewed/groomed and well understood by dev team;
  • Acceptance criteria are clearly defined and confirmed by PO and dev team;
  • Estimation in Story Points is added;
  • There are no blockers, dependencies, prerequisites preventing the team from completion of the story/bug (if there are any - they must be clearly indicated and story/bug must be moved to Blocked status);
  • Story conforms to INVEST requirements (if possible):
    • Independent
    • Negotiable
    • Valuable
    • Estimatable
    • Small 
    • Testable

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