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Heather McMillan (Co-Convener), Frances Dotson, Kimberly Pamplin, Norma Flores, Okay Okonkwo, Sarah Dennis, Shannon Burke , Victoria Anderson, Winter White
University Library Frankfurt
Tatjana Clemens
University Library Regensburg (Germany)
Sabrina Bayer
University of Alabama
Alice Daugherty,
University of Chicago
Julie Stauffer, Kristin Martin, Scott Perry
University of Colorado
Jmac, Toni
Total attending
Friday, November 26th meeting will be canceled due to the US Thanksgiving holiday.
Survey on Acquisitions SIG management: please take some time to complete this survey regarding the Acquisitions SIG. Dennis, Heather, and Susan are interested in knowing your thoughts in order to improve. It should take about 15 minutes of time. The survey is set to close on 11/20/2021, so please do it this up-coming week! Thanks.
EDIFACT invoices and Kiwi (Ann-Marie) (20 minutes hard stop)
Presentation of handling of subscriptions using prediction patterns (Peter Sbrzesny and Martina Schildt) 30 minutes or to the end of the hour
Implementers Topic (15 minutes hard stop - if there's time)
Topic #15 packages (submitted by Sara Colglazier).
Discussion items
Susan Martin
Friday, November 26th meeting will be canceled due to the US Thanksgiving holiday.
Will also do a poll to see about cancelling the meeting on Tuesday, November 23
Survey on Acquisitions SIG management: please take some time to complete this survey regarding the Acquisitions SIG. Dennis, Heather, and Susan are interested in knowing your thoughts in order to improve. It should take about 15 minutes of time. The survey is set to close on 11/20/2021, so please do it this up-coming week! Thanks.
Ranking within JIRA is not working as well now that the community is so large. They are working on ways to improve how prioritizations are made. This will also tie in to the Road mapping group.
Will be in Germany, Aug.31-Sept.2 at a law school there. There will also be a virtual component to it.
Agenda planning is already starting. Would like to have a skeleton agenda by the end of this year. Would like SIG's to provide some ideas on what we would like to see. There is a link in the slides that goes to a wiki page.
From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:12 AM Just a quick note to welcome to some staff from Duke who have joined today's call: Adam Hudnut-Beumler, Serials Management Assistant and Bethany Blankemeyer, Serials & Electronic Resources Acquisitions Librarian. From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 08:13 AM Thanks, Julie! Happy to be here.
13 minutes after
EDIFACT invoices and Kiwi
Main enhancements in Kiwi
Ability to link (or re-link) an Invoice line to a PO line after the invoice line has been created
Hotlink from Data Import log to each imported invoice line (and invoice) in the Invoices app
Corrected problems with acquisitions unit assignment (remember: whichever user imports an invoice and assigns a specific acq unit MUSTbe a member of that acq unit before import
Import large EDIFACT file without errors (e.g. 18 invoices, 1000+ invoice lines)
No problem with the code. Data Import, Acq, and Perf Task Force developers working together to see if configuration changes will allow the import to succeed
Temporary workaround: vendor or library splits the file into individual invoices before importing
Map multiple EDIFACT fields to the same free-text invoice line field (e.g. details of multiple volumes shipped on a standing order) (possible bugfix in Kiwi)
Not fixed in Kiwi
POL o12345-1 and O12345-1 are treated as non-matches by Data Import. Does this need to be corrected?
Invoice and Invoice-line adjustments: must be added manually after the invoice has been imported, before the invoice is approved
If migrating previous ILS PO numbers
FOLIO POs and POLs cannot have punctuation except hyphen between PO and Line number (e.g. 12345-1). If former POL has punctuation, may need to be adjusted by library or vendor (e.g. .o1234567)
FOLIO matches on POL, not PO, e.g. previous ILS PO1ABC1234will be FOLIO POL1ABC1234-1
Possible solutions
Have the vendor update the library's previous POs to the new FOLIO POLs
Include the former ILS PO as a Vendor reference number in the FOLIO POL
Match on the vendor reference number (e.g. subscription number, title number, vendor order number) instead of POL
Sara: With the accordion open, the space is small. Can we pop this out so I can see all my lines?
Ann-Marie, at the moment no.
Sara: This is crucial. Not being able to see them all together to skim is time consuming and problematic. Can we sort?
Ann-Marie: I hear you. Right now there is not a way to resort. The functionality is in the invoices app. I will rely on Dennis for this.
From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:28 AM How about a little warning sign at the beginning invoice line where the invoice line was not linked or missing required info such as fund?
From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:28 AM +1 Sara! It's frustrating not to be able to see a fuller view of the POLs without clicking in to each one individually.
From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:30 AM Is there a way to combine EDIFACT field data into one field in FOLIO?
From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:30 AM An alternative to sorting would be to have all the unlinked lines appear at the end or beginning of the invoice.
From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 08:31 AM Just answered my question, thank you Ann-Marie!
From Adam Hudnut-Beumler to Everyone 08:31 AM A feature like Ann-Marie alluded to that would allow navigating between the detailed invoice lines without returning to the list view is valuable
From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 08:37 AM Scott - one issue with putting all the unlinked lines at the top - sometimes it's OK for the line to be unlinked, if, for example, you're paying an invoice without POLs, but I definitely take your point. Definitely something that Dennis and I can review for the Invoices app
The invoicing description from 2 different fields has been consolidated, with a hyphen between them. This update is being added to Bugfest later today, and will be part of Kiwi
From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:44 AM Thanks, A-M. Perhaps some sort of flag that a line is not complete. For us, we will always have a pol linked to an invoice line.
From Natalya Pikulik to Everyone 08:42 AM Could you please add to your reference page correlating fields from folio po_line, like RFF+SLI:99985428503' RFF+SLI[2] - vendor number etc
From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 08:53 AM Ann Marie, sometimes a membership comes with a subscription to a print journal that both the membership and the journal title would appear on our EBSCO renewal invoices but usually one cost (on either membership or journal title line) charged and we normally only have the journal title created for a POL. So we should still be able to remove zero cost invoice lines from invoices created via EDIFACT correct?!
Or relink the invoice line to the POL we have in the system for the line on the invoice with an actual charge.
Susan: Put questions in Slack, this was a good conversation.
Presentation of handling of subscriptions using prediction patterns (Peter Sbrzesny and Martina Schildt) 30 minutes or to the end of the hour
New journal arrives and they are putting in a new pattern.
Demonstrated how they set up a subscription pattern
There are some slides left, and will need to come back to this Tuesday.
From Adam Hudnut-Beumler to Everyone 08:58 AM Peter-does the system have a way to handle a journal that turns over in the middle of a year (e.g. v.1:no.1 starting with Summer 2021 and ends with v.1:no.4 Spring 2022) ?