2021-10-12 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2021-10-12 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Attendees (38)


Discussion items

Top of the hour

Discuss adding Acquisitions Method for category "free" 

  • Did an informal poll in folio acq slack asking if Acquisitions method of free was useful. 8 people said yes, no one said no. 
  • In the past we have avoided adding any additional elements, so want to acknowledge that. The plan is to make it a controlled vocabulary.  Less of a concern to add to the list. In the future you can add what ever acq method you would like.  If there are other methods you want asap, please bring it up. Send a note to Dennis in Slack, or bring it up to the group. 
Starts 11 minutes after the hourDisplay acq information on instance

In the Kiwi release, will be showing Acq information on the holdings record. 

Not talking about receiving history, or piece information. 

Displaying related order information on inventory record. 

In what scenario it would be useful to see order information in the instance record?

  •  Kristin Martin: It's helpful for continuations. There are similar titles, know what version you are looking at... that type of thing. 
  • Dung-Lan Chen: If there are multiple holdings, it needs to indicate which holdings the order goes with. 
  • Sara Colglazier:  It needs to say which holdings it goes with. 
  • From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:15 PM It helps the catalogers to know what we were thinking in acquisitions.
  • Dennis: It is possible to display what's on order by Acq units. 
  • 5 colleges is sharing Instance records. 
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:17 PM
    When looking at the acq info on Instance, Holdings, and/or Item, should it be the same acq data on all 3 record types, or should the data vary from one to another (e.g. maybe location not needed on Holdings Acq info, since it's already in the Holdings record in another place)
  • Sara Colglazier: We would want to see if another college has it, so we know not to duplicate the order.  Because of permission. someone that as permission to decide to order, they may not have the permission to look in the order app. 
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:18 PM
    I vote we get ALL info to display in the interest of getting something done, and only start invoking Acq Unit if that's a clear need down the road. Plus there may be many people not in any acq unit who are interested in seeing PO info on the Inventory record
  • From Susan Martin to Everyone 12:19 PM
    +1 A-M. We have catalogers who look at order data all the time
  • Dennis: If an App like Inventory wants to display order information to users, its the app's responsibility to only display necessary information. You shouldn't have to have order permissions to view the information in Inventory. 
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:22 PM Order date info would be good too
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:22 PM Is the "order sent date" the date the order was opened?  Yes, it is the date it was opened. Would payment status be helpful? Some libraries tend to be more restrictive of that information than others. 
  • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:24 PM I'm okay with going to PO to find out payment
  • From Martina Schildt to Everyone 12:25 PM +1
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:25 PM Could we re-label the "order sent date" column since there isn't a data element on the order with that name which could then cause confusion.
  • Dung-Lan: Once one time order is received, the order status in orders changes to receive.  
  • A-M Once you can update the holdings and item records based on data import, you can skip the in process step.  Always look at the item record to know what is going on with the item.  
  • Dennis: It is the receipts status of the order.  It's the po line receipt status. 
  • From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:27 PM Expense class?
    If we could have expense class in the instance, we could do better filtering/on-the-fly reports.
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:28 PM To me, if we show fund, then we show expense class. If we don't show fund, then we don't show expense class, IMO. They should travel together
  • From Scott Perry to Everyone 12:29 PM
    Which expense class?  The one cited on the POL or the one referenced on the Invoice line?  Also my question for the fund
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:29 PM
    We want to keep a balance of the most important order info showing on the inventory record, versus ALL the order info showing on the inventory record.
  • From Susan Martin to Everyone 12:29 PM
    I don't think we'll be able to search or filter on this info on the instance, just have it display.
    From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:29 PM
  • That's an interesting point Susan - good question
  • From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:29 PM oh.
  • From Susan Martin to Everyone 12:30 PM Even with the API for a report- you'll need to pull from were it is stored.
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:30 PM +1 Susan
  • From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:30 PM Yes, thanks!
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:33 PM
    Can you show the wiki page "Problem we're solving" section again?
  • Kimberly: I would want to see all orders. we like to see the order history order. 
  • Ann-Marie: So if there is a possibility of multiples, we want most recent at top, oldest at the bottom.  If it's pending, there is no order sent date. Sorted by order sent date, if there is no order date sent, where does it end up?
    • Dennis: You should be able to define that. 
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:37 PM
    There is no order sent date displaying on the order or order line currently, so that label is confusing.
  • Ann-Marie: So you want to see any order? Pending, open or closed?
    • Yes
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:37 PM
    ANY and all
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:37 PM
    Would vendor code be helpful or is that just something to click into the order to view?
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:39 PM
      I am okay clicking through
    • From Martina Schildt to Everyone 12:39 PM
      +1 clicking through
    • From Me to Everyone 12:39 PM
      I am happy just knowing the order status and can click through for the rest
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:40 PM
      If no one has strong feelings to display, I vote we leave it as click through
    • From Susan Martin to Everyone 12:40 PM
      I think that is a good idea.
  • Dung  For ongoing orders the payment history will show in the po and which Fy it was paid?
    • Dennis: The order will list all invoices on the pol. 
    • Dung-Lan, will it show which FY the invoice was associated with?
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:41 PM
      The POL would only change if you chose to close an ongoing POL and create a new one
    • At the moment it does not clearly state the fiscal year in that table.  It does show the invoice date, but that is not the approval date. The only indication you would have is the invoice date. To see fund information, have to click to the actual invoice. 
    • Dung-Lan - It can be tricky to pull a five year price comparison.
    • Dennis: There are a few ways we can report on this.  Can use the approval date. Or look at one of the transactions to get the fiscal year.  Best way might be to pull a transaction log. 
    • Ann-Marie: Is anyone wanting financial information in Inventory?
      • No
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:47 PM
      Since we've touched on order dates today, I'd like to call attention to item #22 on our Implementers wiki page https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NwNU which asks for a review of inconsistent order date labels in the order app and csv extract.  If we're now adding order dates to the Inventory app let's not add yet another label of "order sent date" to the mix.  Confusing!
    • From Scott Perry to Everyone 12:48 PM +1 Julie
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:50 PM
      And to be clear, Dung-lan, I'm absolutely not dismissing your FY concern. I think we need a more in depth discussion about reporting issues at some point
    • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:53 PM
      Hi Ann-Marie, I wasn't suggesting to add invoice/payment info to Instances as the space is limited, etc. and we don't want to clutter the screen too much.  I just wanted to learn more about payment history for previous FY since we are on our first year in Folio.

  • There is a story for  displaying Acq information at the item level in inventory. Which would be the priority?
  • Ann-Marie: Would it be helpful to show the same information in both locations? Knowing that the holding's and Instance might have more information?
  • Dennis: It may simplify a little, still need separate API's.  The questions is, what use cases does it satisfy to have order information on the item record?
  • Ann-Marie: Lets set up a poll.  Behind the scenes we already have the linkage. It's just a matter of displaying it. 
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:55 PM Having the Items linked to their POLs is important
    From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:57 PM 2019 order dates in the mockups - definitely old!
  • From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone 12:57 PM
    I personally would prefer instance, as it is what I use for our ongoing orders and for determining history.

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