2021-05-20 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes

2021-05-20 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes


Ann Crowley

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)


Dennis Bridges


Dung-Lan Chen

@Frances Dotson

Heather Thoele

Jackie Magagnosc

Jean Pajerek

Joanna Cerro

Julie R. Stauffer


Kimberly Pamplin

Lisa Maybury

Martina Schildt

@Masayo Uchiyama

Michael Phillips

@Okay Okechukwu


Shannon Burke

Shyama Agrawal

@Steven Selleck


Discussion items

Minute taker

@Heather Thoele

EDI Invoices


Ann-Marie discussed the profile set up to load on invoice. Then demonstrated how to load the EDI invoice, Discussion followed on when invoice lines fail to find a match. 

  • Will first try and match on po number
  • Will also try to match SNA
  • In settings, can set up the match points you prefer.
  • Will pull in Quantity and total from invoice data.
  • Not pulling in fund distributions from vendor. It’s rare for vendor to have that information.  
  • Fund distribution will come from po line.
  • Can not approve invoice if calculated total does not match locked total.
  • Also can’t approve if invoice lines do not have a fund distribution.
  • Tip: Put previous ILS po number as vendor reference number as a back up match point.
  • Currently in IRIS, took less than a minute to load 17 invoice lines. For these lines that didn’t match, two choices to resolve lines that didn’t match.
  • Edit and put in fund distribution. Or
    • Add another invoice line manually and hook it to the pol as you create the line to pull in the title, then edit for the pricing.
    • Or edit the po’s to make the numbers match, delete the open invoice, and then reload the invoice. The second time, the invoice lines should match to the PO lines, if the POLs were updated before the second import.

  • Developers are working on the ability to relink lines. For Iris, just worked on getting data import working. The next piece of development will be relinking.
  • From Lisa Maybury to Everyone:  12:12 PM can you explain when you would check the lock total box?
    • 12:38  Ann Marie With lock total: With edifact invoices you are going to always want the locked total. That is the ultimate truth for the invoice total.
  • In folio the invoice information is showing the calculated total which is the total of the invoice lines. This did not include shipping or service charge.
  • From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone:  12:36 PM Is there a reason you wouldn’t want the volume/issue information? That sometimes gets discombobulated when things aren’t published as planned
    • 12:45 Anne-Marie – if it’s a subscription you may want the start and end date. If it’s irregular you could update the description to put the volume number. Could also put in the comment field.
    • Jackie – When trying to follow up on problems it is sometimes hard to convince a publisher they owe you something. So having more than subscription date is helpful.
  • Dennis: So when relink to a pol, we plan to override the description of the invoice and use the pol description. The pol will override fund distribution, or you can set that information in the setting.
  • From Kimberly Pamplin to Everyone:  12:51 PM
  • Would it be possible to relink from the invoice level? Or would you have to go into each invoice line to re-link?
  • Dennis: At the moment, no.
  • Kimberly: Have the relink button at the invoice level view instead of having to go into the pol to relink.

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