2021-04-27 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes

2021-04-27 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes


Alice Daugherty

Ann Crowley

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)



Dennis Bridges

Dung-Lan Chen


@Frances Dotson

Heather McMillan

Jackie Magagnosc

Jean Pajerek

Julie R. Stauffer


@Katy Kazee

Kimberly Pamplin

Lindsey Lowry

Lisa Maybury

 @ Loyd Marmot

Martina Schildt

Michael Phillips

Natalya Pikulik

@Okay Okechukwu 


Scott Perry

Scott Stangroom

Shannon Burke

@Shyama Agrawal

@Steven Selleck


@Suzanne Mangrum

Tracy L Patton


Discussion items

Minute taker

@Heather Thoele


From Ann-Marie at the end of the meeting, 55 minutes after the hour. 
  • Met with Harrassowtiz this morning to talk about edi invoices and take them through how the import files are set up. Things went well, and they like that they can play with folio snapshot. If you get subscriptions, they like the clean information for the subscription period. Best if incoming files have a file ext.

  • Not working yet for EDI invoices, the adjustments at the invoice and invoice line level. Work around – manually add the adjustment at the invoice level. 
  • Acq developers are working on the ability to connect/disconnect invoice lines. 

Continue the conversation about printing orders 

For the video, starts at 2 minutes after. 

  •  Based on feedback, Dennis has a mock up. 
  • Dennis: There is still a fair bit being displayed here. Are there any fields still appearing here that anyone feels we can live without?

    • Martina – Do not need physical unit price and estimated price. For them, they would not need POL fund distribution. Just need the fund type, not the amounts or percentages.   Will instructions to vendor appear under each pol? Or just at the bottom?
      • Right now, only at the bottom.
      • Martina – need individually with each pol.

    Chat: From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:08 PM - If a printed PO is mainly used for ordering physical items, why would fields pertaining to electronic resources appear on the printed PO?  *Ann-Marie answered but I missed it. 

    Chat: From Bill Verner to Everyone:  12:06 PM Can the bill to / ship to address fields accommodate multiple lines?

                    Dennis: Yes, you can have as many lines as you like.

    Chat: From Bill Verner to Everyone:  12:11 PM - Is there a max # of characters that can be displayed in bill to/ ship to?

                    Dennis: No

     Chat: From Lloyd (Marmot Library Network) to Everyone:  12:11 PM: Would anyone want to be able to control where the address prints, so it could be folded and have the address appear in an envelope window?  Do people still do that?

                    Ann-Marie: Does anyone still print?

                    Martina: Yes.

    Ann-Marie: This will be tricky.

    Dennis: Organizing the print layout is outside of the scope of this initial implementation.

    Ann-Marie: I wonder if circ has anything functionality for this that can be borrowed for this?

    Dennis: Do we want just the fund code? *Group consensus is just the fund code is sufficient.

    Ann-Marie: Do we need the quote marks?

    Dennis: That is how it mapped when exported to csv. If it only showing the fund code, shouldn’t need the quote marks. Will see if they can be removed.

    Martina: Also do not need the Currency if you know by the unit price which currency it is in.

    Chat: From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:21 PM: -For book orders, ISBN would be relatively important/helpful to vendors.

                    Dennis: This will appear under product ID. And it will show multiple.

    Susan: Would like to make sure this is easy to read for vendors.

    Chat: From Bill Verner to Everyone:  12:25 PM: Ye+1 Susan. Some of this reads like it is designed to communicate to a FOLIO user and not to a vendor that is processing orders at a large scale.

     Dennis: How do we feel about the organization of the fields themselves in the printout?

    From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:28 PM - Similar to how information are presented on invoices from vendors, perhaps printed PO should be presented in similar fashion.  After all, a printed PO is mainly for vendors to get you what you wanted to order. Title, quantity, list price, specific format (book, DVD, CD), ISBN etc. are what vendors need to know. forgot to add PO # as one of the elements needed to include in a PO to a vendor.

    Dennis: We can experiment with different looks for the pol. Right now it resembles the view in the orders app. We can remove some of the space and make things a little tighter.

    Chat:From Lloyd (Marmot Library Network) to Everyone:  12:34 PM: Material type might be useful for ordering media, DVDs, BluRay...

    Ann-Marie: Is the account number there anywhere? If a library has multiple accounts, would be good to be able to add specific account to order.

    Chat: From Julie Stauffer to Everyone:  12:37 PM - We do little printing of POs, but I could see needing the Edition info or would that need to go into Vendor Instruction?

    Susan Martin: Wants to bring attention to needing the ability to put what edition. Need to be able to say ‘this is the preferred edition’… can be done in the instructions to vendor. But this doesn’t work if the Instructions to vendor is at the po level and not the pol.

    Chat: From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:  12:38 PM- Pub Date and product ID might take care of the edition, Julie - or maybe not?

    Chat: From Bill Verner to Everyone:  12:39 PM I missed giving this a +1 when it originally went by, but I very much like the idea of modeling this printout based on info usually included on vendor invoices.

    Chat: From Susan.Martin@mtsu.edu to Everyone:  12:39 PM I would still want to put in edition - like 3rd edition etc so there's no room for doubt

    Chat: From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:40 PM a note field for each title to enter something specific (ex. 3rd ed. only) to the vendor if needed. Yes, edition specification is important if applicable.

    Chat: From Martina Schildt (VZG) to Everyone:  12:42 PM instructions to vendor are on the POL level

UX-PROD 1925 

Inventory holding data

For the video, starts about 45 minutes into the hour. 

Confirming the fields from the po that will show in the holdings in the inventory app.

POL is a must have.

Showing the order status and the reason for closure is valuable.

POL receipt status.

Show the date the order was sent.

Less important, but still valuable, the date it was created.

Order type. (on going or one time)

 Inconclusive: Display estimated price. How valuable is this when looking at a holdings record? Not really needed.

                Does this display in OPAC?


Dennis: Is it valuable to say subscription as well as on going?

                On Going should be sufficient.

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