- Enable support for serials to create receiving pieces in ECS environments with central orderingUISER-161Resolved issue: UISER-161Owen Stephens
- (ECS) Automatically logged into Central tenant after logging out from Member tenantSTCOR-900Resolved issue: STCOR-900Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- User cannot log in after fixed session timeout expiredSTCOR-869Resolved issue: STCOR-869Ryan Berger
- Error when deleting a user without Keycloak recordMODUSERSKC-67Resolved issue: MODUSERSKC-67Yury Barsukou
- Eureka ECS bugfest - 504 Gateway Time-out Error is returned for MARC Search request against Central tenantMODSOURCE-871Volodymyr Rohach
- Investigate slow performance when in TLS mode.MODSIDECAR-105Viktor Gema
- Socket timeout errors appear while upload file with valid identifiers in Bulk edit on Eureka environmentMODSIDECAR-86Resolved issue: MODSIDECAR-86Dima Tkachenko
- During the Bugfest sidecars on some modules are failed with the OOM reasonMODSIDECAR-83Resolved issue: MODSIDECAR-83Kuzma Rezchenko
- Low performance of Keycloak during token validation on Eureka BugfestMODSIDECAR-79Resolved issue: MODSIDECAR-79Viktor Gema
- [Eureka ECS] Export of a large file with 1M instances is stuck in progress in Data Export appMODSIDECAR-78Resolved issue: MODSIDECAR-78Tatsiana Hryhoryeva
- (Eureka BF) “Edit” option is absent in “Actions” menu in “Settings” > “Current calendar assignments”MODROLESKC-273Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-273Yauhen Vavilkin
- "Link headings" button is absent when creating/editing MARC bib recordMODROLESKC-262Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-262Yury Barsukou
- (Eureka bugfest) Capability/sets with UI-Users resource are not present in the UIMODROLESKC-257Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-257Mykola Makhin
- [LoC/FSE Dry run 1] Downloading file doesn't work for Core and Supplementary documentsMODROLESKC-195Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-195Oleksii Kuzminov
- Occasionally 400 error appears while upload file with valid identifiers in Bulk edit on Eureka environmentMODOKAPFAC-11Resolved issue: MODOKAPFAC-11Yury Barsukou
- Add support for TLS/FIPS modeMODOKAPFAC-8Resolved issue: MODOKAPFAC-8Dima Tkachenko
- Implement the ability to designate a tenant as "secure"MGRTENANT-32Resolved issue: MGRTENANT-32Oleksii Kuzminov
- Capability set for "Inventory: View, create, edit, mark missing items" does not provide ability to see Inventory appEUREKA-625Resolved issue: EUREKA-625Pavel Bobylev
- Capability set for "Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs" does not provide ability to see POL details after clicking on "Created" hotlink in column for ordersEUREKA-624Resolved issue: EUREKA-624
- Invoice can not be paidEUREKA-619Resolved issue: EUREKA-619Ihor Bohdan
- [Lists] [Eureka bugfest] 502 in the network after running queries which are supposed to return big amount of recordsEUREKA-527Resolved issue: EUREKA-527
- LCSG sandbox2 dryrun - cannot add/edit some circulation policiesEUREKA-352Resolved issue: EUREKA-352
- Capabilities/sets for loan override renewal do not provide enough permissions for a userEUREKA-329Resolved issue: EUREKA-329
- (ECS) "Consortium manager" app available in Member tenantsEUREKA-311Resolved issue: EUREKA-311
- 'Widget definition' dropdown does not contain any options to selectEUREKA-191
- 500 response when uploading file for Data exportEUREKA-184Resolved issue: EUREKA-184
- Page refreshes randomly when user is activeEUREKA-175Resolved issue: EUREKA-175
- 500 errors when searching for titles using "Order status" facet in "Receiving"EUREKA-161Resolved issue: EUREKA-161
- User cannot export resource list from Agreement as JSONEUREKA-77Resolved issue: EUREKA-77Valery_Pilko
- Piece is NOT moved to "Late" status accordingly to selected time zoneEUREKA-66Resolved issue: EUREKA-66Yaroslav Kiriak
- License is not deleted.EUREKA-58Resolved issue: EUREKA-58Yaroslav Kiriak
- Unable to create match profile for existing Instance/Holdings/Item recordsEUREKA-47Resolved issue: EUREKA-47
- Agreements are not loaded when user opens "Agreements" appERM-3323Resolved issue: ERM-3323Michelle Suranofsky
- [Eureka ECS] User can not create or view Authorization roles in Secure tenantBF-1083Resolved issue: BF-1083kseniia_dubniak
- ECS Eureka | Emails are not sentBF-1037Resolved issue: BF-1037Kuzma Rezchenko
- 500, 502 errors appear while upload file with valid identifiers in Bulk edit on Eureka environmentBF-970Resolved issue: BF-970Pavel Filippov
- Item lookup by barcode scanner taking too long in Ramsons Eureka non-ECS BugfestBF-910Resolved issue: BF-910Oleksandr Hrusha
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