Test Data Updates to FOLIO Snapshot Environments

Test Data Updates to FOLIO Snapshot Environments

FOLIO Reporting development teams and Reporting SIG members are encouraged to use this page to provide updates on test data cases they have entered into FOLIO Snapshot environments to keep us all aware of what data to expect when we test our queries.

PersonDatabaseData Description
Angela/Vandanafolio_snapshot_20201111_feesfinesAdded data to many of the feesfines tables

Added data to many of the feesfines tables



Added invoices including adjustments at the invoice and invoice line level



Added invoices in foreign currency
Angelafolio_snapshot_20210406_requestA few examples of requests
Angelafolio_snapshot_20210414_circlogRelevant for circulation_log queries
Angela/Vandanafolio_snapshot_20210525_missingRelevant for missing items queries
Angelafolio_snapshot_20210602_usersAdded custom fields, departments, and blocks to a few user records; relevant for patron_list query