2020-06-26 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes




Discussion items

  • Find a note taker (Catherine volunteered to take notes)
 30 Module Upgrades with Reference data all

Following our discussion and the discussion on the wiki page:

 Upgrades with Reference data

(There's nothing new on the Discuss post https://discuss.folio.org/t/reference-data-and-upgrades/2858)

  • What is the status of this issue? Does a proposal need to be made to the TC?

Hasn't this been also discussed in the TC (or was going to be discussed) ?

  • Do we have a common line of thought now ? Can we come to a conclusion ?

See actions in TC 2020-06-10 Meeting notes.

  • Currently no way to flag data that should not be updated during upgrade process; all data is updated.
  • Steve Pampell volunteered to keep pushing this issue forward.
  • More detailed description needed for reference data; being investigated by several members with understanding of the data (Anne Highsmith, Christie Thomas).
  • POWS (Predefined Optional Working Set) (Upgrades with Reference data) serves as the "middle layer" of upgrade data.
    • Custom data layer/POWS/System data layer
  • UUIDs are only unique per tenant, not globally unique
    • Should this be an issue we need to consider for the proposal?
10Experiences with the Goldenrod pre-releaseall


Bugfest testing

  • Some issues with the deployment of the BugFest environment; patches are being applied, but some testing has been slowed as a result
  • There seem to be some issues with compiling in the new Goldenrod environment ( OKAPI-861 - Getting issue details... STATUS )
  • Docker is required in the current Goldenrod build; needs to be added to the documentation for Okapi.
  • Jo posted in chat: https://kronos.thrudvangr.de/folio-okapi_3.2.0-1_all.deb
10Other topics you would like to discuss or mention hereall
  • U.S. holiday on July 3 (send out a question on July 1 to see how many people can attend the Friday meeting); Ingolf out July 10.
5Topics fur future meetingsIngolf
  • Forum software for Support SIG (vbulletin, Discuss, stackoverflow)
  • Report about TC Architectural Blueprint / Strategic Changes (Mike)

Action items
