20180711 - July 11, 2018 Technical Council Meeting Notes




  • Review previous to-do's - get due dates

Discussion items

10 MinutesWelcome and a review of the Tech Council's Charter, our roles, time commitments
  • Our role as TC members - doers, advisors, and deciders.
  • Engaging others within the FOLIO community - how much focus/energy should be put towards enlisting others to pursue our action items?
  • How much time as individuals can we allocate?
  • Goal: awareness and consensus
 15 minutes

Review and disposition of previous action items:

  • Engaging TC and TC Backlog
  • Definition of Platform/Core
  • RFC Process
  • Definition of Done
  • On-Boarding Documentation


 What is current state, what is end date for "Lazy Consensus"

Goal: Due Date for each.

  • Definition of Platform/Core - All comments due by 20180717
  • RFC Process - Done as of 20180711, process going into "Beta". VBar to setup Github repo
  • Definition of Done - All comments due by 20180717
  • On-boarding documentation. Dev site will be starting point. We'll use EPAM (new team for FOLIO) to collect feedback asap. Milestones and timetable by 20180724.
15 minutesTC's Backlog - Prioritize... any ready to assign?

Review Tech Council Request/Backlog Page

Goal: Discussion and awareness. Assignment if ready.

5 minutesGap Analysis for early adopters

Quick update on the analysis of "Go-Live" requirements and capacity planning

Goal: Information update

5 minutesFOLIO's QA Lead investigation

Introduce Anton and his action. We'll review initial observations in next week's (18 July) meeting.

Goal: Awareness

5 minutesNew BusinessTC membersAnything that we should add to the TC's backlog?

Action items

@TC - review Definition of Platform vs Base Apps by 20180717

VBar - setup Github Repo for RFC process. Solicit individuals to Beta the process by 20180714

@TC - review Definition of Platform vs Base Apps by 20180717

Zak Burke - establish draft Milestones and Timetables for On-boarding documentation by 20180724. Facilitate review of current documentation by EPAM team - connect them up by 20180717