20180606 - June 6, 2018 Meeting Notes
20180606 - June 6, 2018 Meeting Notes
=========== Discussion Topics for Wednesday 6/6 @ 9:00AM EST ===========
In attendance:
- Jakub Skoczen
- Mike Gorrell
- Zak Burke
- Vince Bareau
- Mark Veksler
Review/discuss comments (if any) from the Product council.
- If there are no comments, will need to gently nudge the PC the next day for them to submit their comments no later than 6/14 (Peter, could you take this action item?)
Discuss next steps
- Establish regular meeting time
Tentative: Thursdays after 10am Central / 11am Eastern
From Tod:
Tuesdays after 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern
Wednesdays between 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern and 3pm Central / 4pm Eastern
Thursdays after 10am Central / 11am Eastern
If we think early morning:
Mon or Thu before 8am Central / 9am Eastern
Fridays (mid-morning) open up starting in July.
Appoint a convener
- Rotate the responsibility every quarter
- Mike Gorrell has volunteered
- Setup a space on the Wiki, conf. #
Prioritize key deliverables and agree delivery milestones
- Definition of what constitutes the FOLIO Platform vs Core Apps vs FOLIO Apps - on an ongoing basis (owner: Jakub/lead + VInce)
- Definition and current list
- Where will they live? → wiki
- Establish infrastructure and define RFC process (use Stripes as an ‘inspiration’) -- Vince/lead + Jakub
- Definition of Done (include multiple stakeholders) (owner MARK V)
- May need to pull in additional people from other teams
- On-boarding documentation for developers, testers and others (Zak)
- Include back-end pieces
- Process for engaging TC (MDG)
Establish a backlog of technical decisions to be made, e.g. Workflow engine.
- E.g., tech decisions queuing up:WFE: build vs “buy”(from Tod) MarcCat integration
- Concerns about keeping redundant stores of MARC records in sync (MarcCat and FOLIO will have redundant stores of MARC records)
- Related to a discussion about microservices and for eventual consistency of data.
Decisions made:
- Established regular meeting times: Thursdays at 11am ET
- Assigned a convener: Mike Gorrell
- Will be a rotating responsibility on a quarterly basis
- Agreed on the initial 5 key deliverables and assigned ownership
- Definition of FOLIO Platform/Core Apps – Jakub (lead) + Vince
- Define an RFC process and establish an infrastructure to capture/process RFCs -- Vince (lead) + Jakub
- Definition of Done – Mark V.
- Onboarding documentation/process for developers, testers, etc – Zak
- Establish Process for engaging TCs -- mdg
Action items:
- Remind PC to submit their comments re: TC Charter (Peter Murray)
- Send out calendar invites to the TC recurring (weekly initially) meeting starting from Thursday, June 14 (mdg)
- Setup a TC area on the wiki page (mdg)
- Present key deliverable strawmans (owners as per deliverables listed above)