20180815 - Aug 15, 2018 - Technical Council Meeting Notes
20180815 - Aug 15, 2018 - Technical Council Meeting Notes
- Wrap up hard-coded lists quickly
- what kind of tools are available to help module builders make controlled vocabularies?
- do module builders know about these these tools, do they need encouragement?
- Expand AES discussion and resolve questions on draft AES document
- Try to make as much progress out of band before meeting
- Main event: Workflow discussion. Consider this presentation
- Come to agreement on resources on scoping Camunda implementation (slide 11)
Discuss steps and timeframes for teams integrating with Camunda and then coming up to speed (slide 12)
- Consortia model (if time)
- Backlog:
- Potential item: is OKAPI-241 a topic for the TC backlog? Description fields in JSON schemas are useful documentation and there is potential to use the to generate data dictionaries.
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5min | Assign notetaker | Zak Burke | |
10min | Hard-coded lists | PC recording from 2018-08-09, discussion spans15:02-25:28
| |
20min | AES discussion (followup on out-of-band discussions) | Okapi Asynchronous Event Service (AES) DRAFT
| |
30min | Workflow |
| |
20min | Consortia model | did not discuss; pushed to backlog | |
5min | Backlog and action items | OKAPI-241, use description field in JSON schemas
Action items
- Jakub Skoczen to contact David Crossley to include pointers to controlled vocabulary component in the onboarding docs
- Tod Olson and Mike Gorrell to draft Workflow proof-of-concept proposal for Product Council