20180614 - June 14, 2018 Meeting Notes
20180614 - June 14, 2018 Meeting Notes
1) Discussed action items from June 6th meeting:
- Remind PC to submit their comments re: TC Charter (Peter Murray) - DONE. Several people commented on discussion with OLF/FOLIO leadership that we should assume "lazy consensus" has been reached
- Send out calendar invites to the TC recurring (weekly initially) meeting starting from Thursday, June 14 (mdg) - DONE
- Setup a TC area on the wiki page (mdg) - DONE
2) Discussed 5 key deliverables and their status:
- Definition of FOLIO Platform/Core Apps – Jakub (lead) + Vince
- We spent most of the meeting on this item. Jakub shared the doc. A few takeaways:
- The reason that the definition of FOLIO Platform vs Core Apps vs Extended/Secondary Apps is twofold:
- The community desires a vocabulary, especially in the case where another application domain wants to use/share FOLIO the platform but needs its own set of Core Apps
- The Tech Council will use these definitions to determine its level of governance over technical matters (i.e. more attention paid to Platform and Core Apps than Extended/Secondary)
- We struggled to establish labels for these concepts that everyone felt comfortable with. We landed on FOLIO Platform, FOLIO LSP Core and FOLIO LSP Extended Apps. We expect these to change.
- We will try and come to consensus on the labels, and then seek external opinions, perhaps enlisting Marketing to finalize them.
- Would be nice to flesh out "rules" that decide which bucket an item falls into, as well as plenty of examples
- The reason that the definition of FOLIO Platform vs Core Apps vs Extended/Secondary Apps is twofold:
- We spent most of the meeting on this item. Jakub shared the doc. A few takeaways:
- Define an RFC process and establish an infrastructure to capture/process RFCs -- Vince (lead) + Jakub. Vince shared the doc. Didn't have time to really present
- Definition of Done – Mark V. Mark shared the doc. Didn't have time to discuss.
- Onboarding documentation/process for developers, testers, etc – Zak is still compiling his notes. He will share doc/present at next week's meeting.
- Establish Process for engaging TCs -- mdg. Mike shared the doc. Didn't have time to discuss.
3) Established action items for next week's meeting:
- Review, comment and/or be prepared to review the above list. No new action items.