2022-12-06 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes

2022-12-06 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes




Meeting ID: 843 4272 0176

Passcode: folio-lsp


No recordings available

Calendar invite

FOLIO Controlled Digital Lending Subgroup Meeting.ics


Discussion Items







Topic: FOLIO Controlled Digital Lending

Time: Oct 25, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Every week on Tuesdays

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 843 4272 0176

Passcode: folio-lsp


No meetings on 12/27/2022. But the week before the Christmas holidays looks good for everyone.

New shared Google drive folder: FOLIO > Resource_Access_SIG > RA-CDL subgroup

Note taker: Peter Murray

ERM apps. Demo of functionalityhas confirmed that she would be available to attend our meeting and she will give us a demo of the suite of ERM apps.

Defining record requirements

This is the MVP requirements Document.

MVP requirements:


  • Will leverage ReShare development. Access using VuFind or POD
  • Eventually will FOLIO have an app for CDL.
  • Not everyone using CDL in FOLIO will use ReShare and vice versa.
  • FOLIO CDL will follow NISO as it’s developed (Action point for Sebastian Hammer)
  1. Determination of digital record representation in FOLIO:
    • Description: functional notation that this has a digital equivalent
    • Ideas for implementation: binary flag that CDL exists at the item record, or field that includes unique ID for digital version
    • FOLIO Inventory integration that shows the relationship between the digital and physical copy
  2. FOLIO Inventory integration that allows us to link digital and physical availability based on use and demand
        • Item state for sequestering of physical objects
        • API where FOLIO can communicate whether the physical copy is in use or not?
        • API where 3rd party tools can communicate that physical copy no longer needs to be requested
        • Ability to support multiple models for sequestration (immediate, delayed sequestration, delayed access, etc.)
        • Eligibility for digitization. Not just support item records, but also support by rules (material type, date range, location etc). Create a request type?
  3. Integration with third party CDL tools
          • ILL-systems: Illiad, ReShare, InnReach 
          • Maybe also Storage systems: Caiasoft and Dematic
          • Course reserve system; the FOLIO app Courses, and Ares
          • Rare book management system: Aeon
          • Integration with local CDL storage and delivery systems
          • Idea: need to describe landscape of current 3rd party tools
          • Do we need to think about integration with other tools; e.g. 
  4. Specific reporting on circulation of physical items w/CDL counterparts
  5. Extension of FOLIO circ rules and patron data into the CDL space
    • integration with wait list/requesting functionality within circ rules.  Requesting, renewals, etc.

Planning our next meeting


Next steps

Action items: 

  • Peter Murray  and Charlotte Whitt will start working on the workflow chart. The intention is to present for the group in the beginning of December. 

Discussion topics/ questions for the group@all

Please list your questions/topics below


Chat log

18:08:38 From David Bottorff (UChicago) to Everyone:
    I'll be out the week before, but feel free to meet without me!
18:27:59 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
    Okay, David. Maybe we can record that meeting.
18:36:11 From Sebastian Hammer to Everyone:
    Oh god I’m so glad you asked, Andrea
18:37:10 From Sebastian Hammer to Everyone:
    Aah. So the license is a set of terms. You can apply it to multiple agreements. THAT is why it makes sense to make licenses a separate app.
18:47:58 From Sebastian Hammer to Everyone:
    It’s interesting to consider whether CDL materials could be modeled as a kind of virtual package of materials in ERM terms.
18:48:39 From Andrea Loigman to Everyone:
    Exactly what I was thinking.  It would require significant modification to the ERM, but it'd be a good place to start,
18:48:48 From Sebastian Hammer to Everyone: