2022-11-22 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes

2022-11-22 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes




Meeting ID: 843 4272 0176

Passcode: folio-lsp


No recordings available

Calendar invite

FOLIO Controlled Digital Lending Subgroup Meeting.ics


Discussion Items







Topic: FOLIO Controlled Digital Lending

Time: Oct 25, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Every week on Tuesdays

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Meeting ID: 843 4272 0176

Passcode: folio-lsp

Note taker:

Planning our work

Martina Schildt has confirmed that she would be available to attend our next meeting Tuesday 11/29 and give us a demo of the suite of ERM apps.

Peter Murray  and Charlotte Whitt will start working on the workflow chart. The intention is to present for the group - maybe at the beginning of December. 

CDL in ReShare

Map out what is planned, and what is being built for ReShare. 

What has been developed for ReShare should be reused for the FOLIO implementation of support for CDL. ReShare and FOLIO share the same core concept. 

ReShare is a set of apps developed on Okapi/Stripes, so it looks similar to FOLIO. Aiming for a future where the ReShare apps can be dropped into a FOLIO installation.

Work is happening on GitHub non-returnables now, and the intention is to add CDL extensions to that. When a patron makes a request via VuFind, there will be a new step for selecting Pickup Location...if CDL is selected as the method, it will go down a different path as the request comes into ReShare. One of the differences is finding a library that can fulfill the request via a digitized item.

When the supplying library has a CDL fulfillment option, this sets in motion a different set of processes to fulfill the item. This includes marking the physical item as checked out and having a process that prints a pull slip for the item to be sequestered from in-library access. When supplying staff determine the item is unavailable, there is a protocol message that notifies the requesting library that the digital item is available. To the requesting user, it will appear as if the request is supplied by the requesting library, not the supplying library.

MVP for ReShare CDL has patrons requesting a physical copy to be sent to them digitally. How to identify items in the library's catalog that are digitally requestable via Z39.50 has yet to be determined, but the combination of shelf status and library policy will probably drive this decision. Aiming to have the MVP for ReShare CDL to come to fruition in 2023.

Patron preferences: if a patron asks for digital but the request goes end-of-rota for digital fulfillment, the request should go back through the rota to try to see if it can be fulfilled physically.

How can this be leveraged for CDL in FOLIO (e.g., when the requesting and supplying library is the same)? The intent is to use the same framework for ILS adapters as is being used now for determining how to sequester an item.

The notion of items that need-to-be-digitized versus items-already-digitized is outside the scope of the MVP. The next phase of development will include ways to integrate with asset management systems to handle cases where a digitized version already exists. Looking into ERM systems to determine the ability to lend licensed digital content is also under consideration. MVP will likely also start with the NCIP CheckoutItem message rather than another status so as not to stray too far from the ReShare Returnables development effort.

One of the other things that the NISO working group is working on is also where the DRM protection is applied—by the digitizing library or the requesting library.

Two tracks of discussion: what is the status of the ReShare CDL development and what can be reused for a CDL implementation within a library using FOLIO.

Defining record requirements

This is the MVP requirements Document.

MVP requirements:


  • Will leverage ReShare development. Access using VuFind or POD
  • Eventually will FOLIO have an app for CDL.
  • Not everyone using CDL in FOLIO will use ReShare and vice versa.
  • FOLIO CDL will follow NISO as it’s developed (Action point for Sebastian Hammer)
  1. Determination of digital record representation in FOLIO:
    • Description: functional notation that this has a digital equivalent
    • Ideas for implementation: binary flag that CDL exists at the item record, or field that includes unique ID for digital version
    • FOLIO Inventory integration that shows the relationship between the digital and physical copy
  2. FOLIO Inventory integration that allows us to link digital and physical availability based on use and demand
        • Item state for sequestering of physical objects
        • API where FOLIO can communicate whether the physical copy is in use or not?
        • API where 3rd party tools can communicate that physical copy no longer needs to be requested
        • Ability to support multiple models for sequestration (immediate, delayed sequestration, delayed access, etc.)
        • Eligibility for digitization. Not just support item records, but also support by rules (material type, date range, location etc). Create a request type?
  3. Integration with third party CDL tools
          • ILL-systems: Illiad, ReShare, InnReach 
          • Maybe also Storage systems: Caiasoft and Dematic
          • Course reserve system; the FOLIO app Courses, and Ares
          • Rare book management system: Aeon
          • Integration with local CDL storage and delivery systems
          • Idea: need to describe landscape of current 3rd party tools
          • Do we need to think about integration with other tools; e.g. 
  4. Specific reporting on circulation of physical items w/CDL counterparts
  5. Extension of FOLIO circ rules and patron data into the CDL space
    • integration with wait list/requesting functionality within circ rules.  Requesting, renewals, etc.

Next steps

Action items:

Discussion topics/ questions for the group@all

Please list your questions/topics below


Chat log

From Erin Nettifee to Everyone 12:01 PM
Tell Candy I said hi, Andrea:-)

From Andrea Loigman to Everyone 12:01 PM
Will do . . . she's very tired of the hotel

From Debra Denault to Everyone 12:01 PM
My internet is acting flaky today

From Erin Nettifee to Everyone 12:02 PM
(Candy is Andrea's dog lol)
sorry, eating lunch
hi lisa's dog :-)

From Sebastian Hammer to Everyone 12:03 PM

From Andrea Loigman to Everyone 12:03 PM
Lisa - what a cutie

From Lisa McColl to Everyone 12:03 PM
You're dog too!

From Erin Nettifee to Everyone 12:13 PM
this ends up being in the request app (ReShare), not the FOLIO Request*s* app, right?

From Andrea Loigman to Everyone 12:15 PM
How do we deal with z39.50 for digital?  How does that work?

From Erin Nettifee to Everyone 12:20 PM
Wouldn't the idea of libraries "opting" in and out be better to move up earlier, so that consortia don't have to get buy in from everyone to try this?

From Index Data to Everyone 12:30 PM
And a youtube movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9zVIiJkf6M

From Index Data to Everyone 12:47 PM
The data model for bound-with items: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1kOLpm7cp8_KC2JrxPrGjWKfX6txf2o6BIGAzYeoIwNg/edit?usp=sharing

From Erin Nettifee to Everyone 12:53 PM
I need to drop off for another meeting - thanks all