2022-04-07 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes
2022-04-07 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes
https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
2min | Administrivia | Note taker: Jana Freytag | ||
Continue to gather requirements and discussion | ||||
Meeting Notes
New Notes:
Report on this document by Sebastian Hammer : NISO Circ model CDL Control flow
- Working group for advising libraries on CDL
- Feedback of the group:
- Andrea: Does availability for CDL differentiate between already scanned and eligible to be scanned?
- Answer SH: It will have to - in terms of what you want to make available - a sensible system will have to differentiate
- Mark: Comment on what state the model is in
- Answer SH: bases are covered - Further thoughts on best practices are being made
- Andrea: is there a likleyhood that it will get picked up
- Answer SH: highly likley get ISO 1866 and NCIP picked up
- Ian: Which approach seam to be the best encumbering vs tying the loan to a physical item?
- Answer SH: no concrete answer
- Ian: Can NCIP be utilized for
Andrea in chat: For course reserves - this issue is limiting access to a subset of user associated with a course. - Very good Point
Virtual items could rely on similar data model to bound with or analytic records?
Answer: Yes, This could be a difficulty for consortia situations (e.g. shared index) as well
- Use Case: How would a market place be build around CDL? vs having the physical object
- Born digital items vs physical objects
- David in Chat: and then some way to update the physical item's availability when digital holding/item is being used?
- Next steps:
- Use the Document as a outline to flesh out an epic for development?
- What can be reused in FOLIO for CDL? - The rules and policy model
- Define more Use Cases in regard to FOLIO
- What may consortial cdl look like? (with the pandemic in mind)
- How about CDL in MARC - have someone come to this group to talk about this
- FOLIO has the opportunity to become the first ILS to implement a CDL functionality with the standardization in mind
- Thoughts on Reshare and CDL and Consortia and CDL
Further requirements and scope see also last meeting