2022-05-19 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes
2022-05-19 CDL Sub-group Meeting Notes
https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
2min | Administrivia | Note taker: Jana Freytag | ||
Recap of the AI Meeting | ||||
Next steps |
Meeting Notes
- Next steps from last meeting:
- developing MVP
- user stories
- remote storage
New notes:
- we consider another meeting with AI SIG since it was beneficial
- the prio of this group is the 'basic' version of CDL
- would it be useful to document the prioities of the group? - Yes
- is there a possibilty to 'use' the FOLIO Community as a consortium?
- would be great advertisement for adoption of the product
- might be to much to ask for - maybe better to concentrate on the basic functionality
- Gathering a list of the basic functionalities of CDL in FOLIO
- CDL integrating with FOLIO Courses - and others
- creating a shared document to keep track
- What do we see as components of MVP, per Institution
- external system integrations
- specific Use case
Further requirements and scope see also last meetings