2022-05-11 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees:  Khalilah Gambrell Magda Zacharska Charlotte Whitt Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Brooks Travis Peter Murray Dennis Bridges julie.bickle Kimie Kester patty.wanninger Stephanie Buck twliu 

Announcements 10  minutes


  • Sprint Testing – POs are waiting on Oleksii P. to provide more details. 
  • Kiwi HF#3 - May 16th 
  • Lotus HF#1 release [KG will post the current date]
  • Action item:
    • PO meeting topic on managing hotfixes.
    • KG to discuss with Cap planning - release planning/timeline factors
      • upgrades
      • release 
      • release ahead 
      • module vx

UX patterns 

30 minutesAll
  • Review UX patterns that teams have implemented 
    • MCL > Display a link 
    • MCL > Previous | Next pagination
    • Print a record (Dennis Bridges)
    • Hide fields or accordions  
  • Discuss what patterns should be adopted across all of FOLIO 
  • Any UX inconsistencies we need to address
POs Tips and Tricks10 minutesAll