BugFest Issue list
Issues with the testing environment
Several login issues appeared during testings, usually users where locked out the main FOLIO account as well as accounts they created.
Kafka issues resulting in issues that looked like code issues but where instead failures in messages being delivered.
TestRails issues
Users have to asked to be assigned accounts, this is a hurdle that they must get over before they can even see the test cases.
There are a lot of projects in TestRails, which makes it more difficult to navigate to the correct project used for BugFest.
Issues with BugFest Data
Multiple duplicate records: Example https://bugfest-quesnelia.int.aws.folio.org/inventory/view?filters=holdingsType.1d353b7b-24d8-469d-b9ab-944eaea8645d%2CstaffSuppress.false&segment=holdings&sort=title
There are only 36 records with the source of FOLIO that where added over 5-years ago. They have not been updated and are incomplete. [1]
Automated tests change the data in inventory which can cause incomplete records and weird looking data. [1] This is the same for Agreements, Orders and MARC Authority.
Resource access
Settings are specific to test cases. It makes it very difficult to double check if there is an issue or test fringe cases. Doing so requires building all aspects of the circ polices from scratch, including adding calendars to service points.
MARC Authority
General concerns:
Sigs work with POs to provide base testing data which is populated to the hosted reference environments. [1]
Based data is updated and merged with the base image data as needed. [1]
Refresh inventory data
Create a more realistic setup
- Conclusions derived from Slack Comments 4/3/2024