julie.bickle Marc Johnson Hkaplanian Ian Walls Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) Jakub Skoczen Gang Zhou Boaz Nadav Manes
- We reviewed the charge from the PC subgroup page: TO-DO julie.bickleWhat is our charge? What are we trying to achieve?
- The current charge describes how we want to go about defining a future state. What is doesn't do: what are we trying to achieve? Do we want any kind of future vision, or is there a motivating force behind this?
- From Julie: I want to produce vision(s) that take into consideration as many stakes as possible; propose as wide-spread an option as can be reasonably expected from/for such a diverse community. When it is said "This cannot work for us for x, y, z reason." - is this indeed the case? and are you part of the conversation?
- Goal = faciliate to communication? Or provide the proposal? This feels broad.
- We need explicit/clear motivations and problems we are trying to solve. Document the opposing forces
- To make a recommendation, we'll have to take a position.
- Want to understand the scope of this group, and who is responsible.
- I am hearing a lot of themes, things we want to make better. Our goals are not to make a future state happen (that's not how FOLIO works + the community is too large), but to put together where we thinks it should go, and try to pitch that/ frame that "Wouldn't it be great if we could agree that this is the direction we want to move in?"/ align the community around a common path.
- The below (clarification + draw) are ways to explore that space.
- How long will this subgroup go on for?
- What about the other things in the agenda? Milestones + reporting back to the PC.
- TO-DO @everyone Clarification of terms / defining the definitions, including what "FOLIO" means.
- What terms do we need to clarify?
- The TC should do this for technical terms - but also, we can't wait for them.
- TO-DO @everyone Draw FOLIO? as it is today, and how we want it to be. + describe steps (even only one) to get from today to tomorrow. This can support restrospective activities.
- Software system / data flows / human relations / modules / architecture
- Users need to do their work; there are other ways people interact with the software: QA has to be done too (been added on as best we can), the system needs to be deployed (this part has suffered from neglect), devs need to be able to develop the software.
- Let's do a first round showing - what do you see? It will help distill complexe verbal stuff + help people understand what's going on and where we are at (good for onboarding).
- Then we can meet to compare and find commonalities and themes.
- If you know of conversations happening out there, let me know!
- How to work together
- Complete concrete activity asynchronously
- Who does this? Just us, or involve other people? We own, and reach out to people as we see fit, to help with the task.
- Where do we put the information?
- Balance between making meaningful progress, but involving a lot of people/ insurring representation (to avoid rework) is hard!
- This group covers a fairly wide breadth of different backgrounds (i.e. good representation); if we can agree on something, then prob most other people will agree too.
- We can prepare stuff for people to comment on, that's easier than starting from scratch.
- Meeting in person is good - let's start with monthly, may need to go to every two weeks. We are experimenting here, with the number of time zones!
- Use the meetings for summarising the current status
- Slack is good, but it gets too long; so regularly summarise and draw a line, e.g. this is the info so far, so no need to scroll back further up.
- Discuss and wiki comments too.
- Go public on Slack?
- At some point: critical assessment of how we are working? Challenge our comfortable way of working?