Original MARC Bibliographic Cataloging
- In current state, catalogers can only create an original MARC bibliographic record via Data Import, Single Record Import, or by deriving an existing record in Inventory. In order to support streamlined cataloging workflows, catalogers need a way to create a new MARC bibliographic record via the quickMARC UI
In Scope
- Create original bibliographic record via quickMARC UI
Out of Scope
- Template management
- Create original authority records
- Further UI/UX improvements (requires further analysis of workflow)
- Fixed field dropdowns
- Additional shortcut keys
Requirement | Use Case | Status | Jira Ticket(s) |
Create new permission for creating a new MARC Bibliographic Record - quickMARC: Create MARC bibliographic record |
Add new option to Inventory>Actions: +New MARC Bib Record |
Upon selecting option to create New MARC Bib record, generate new MARC Bib record |
Generate 001, 005, and 999 upon save |
Populate default values in the leader:
Populate 008 with blank positions applicable to all materials:
Add 245 field with two blank indicator values and an empty $a |
Add the ability to suppress the record from discovery on the quickMARC UI |
Automatically populate the Cataloged Date and Instance status term ("Cataloged") on the Instance record upon bib record creation |
Retain existing save/edit functionality as Edit/Derive |
Leader 06/07 - 008 Testing Scenarios
Scenario | Type | Leader 06 | Leader 07 | 008 Positions Available (position: label) |
1 | Books | a or t | a, c, d, or m |
Note - the following positions are system generated so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
2 | Books - error | a | p |
3 | Computer Files | m | a, b, c, d, i, m, or s |
Note - the following positions are system generated so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
Note - the following positions are undefined in the standard so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
4 | Computer Files - error | m | p | 008 field and the above positions are retained, however, upon save user receives an error message indicating an invalid 007 field. |
5 | Maps | e, f | a, b, c, d, i, m, or s |
Note - the following positions are system generated so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
Note - the following positions are undefined in the standard so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
6 | Maps - error | e, f | p | 008 field and the above positions are retained, however, upon save user receives an error message indicating an invalid 007 field. |
7 | Music | c, d, i, or j | a, b, c, d, i, m, or s |
Note - the following positions are system generated so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
Note - the following positions are undefined in the standard so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
8 | Music - errors | c, d, i, or j | p | 008 field and the above positions are retained, however, upon save user receives an error message indicating an invalid 007 field. |
9 | Continuing resources | a | b, i, or s |
Note - the following positions are system generated so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
Note - the following positions are undefined in the standard so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
10 | Continuing resources - error | a | q |
11 | Visual materials | g, k, o or r | a, b, c, d, i, m, or s |
Note - the following positions are system generated so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
Note - the following positions are undefined in the standard so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
12 | Visual materials -error | g, k, o or r | p | 008 field and the above positions are retained, however, upon save user receives an error message indicating an invalid 007 field. |
13 | Mixed materials | p | a, b, c, d, i, m, or s |
Note - the following positions are system generated so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
Note - the following positions are undefined in the standard so they won't have a corresponding 008 position:
14 | Mixed materials - error | p | p | 008 field and the above positions are retained, however, upon save user receives an error message indicating an invalid 007 field. |