Sources of Batch Files
Sources of Batch Files
These are sources of batch files loaded by FOLIO libraries. Some are materials vendors. Others are utilities of various kinds.
Please continue to add sources and add/correct entries in the table.
Possible record formats: MARC bib, MARC holdings, MARC authority, Excel/delimited, or EDIFACT
Possible delivery methods: FTP, API, E-mail, Web download, Other
Record source | Focus | Format | Delivery method |
ACLS HEB | Humanities ebooks | MARC bib | Web download |
Alexander Street Press | eBooks, eScores, eVideos, eAudio | MARC bib | Web download |
Amalivre | French materials | MARC bib EDIFACT | FTP pickup (Cornell, Chicago) email attach |
Andinos | Ecuador | MARC bib | email attach |
Andromeda Research | Locally compiled data | Excel/Delimited | Local file |
ATC | Eastern European materials | MARC bib | Email attachment |
B3Kat | BVB and KOBV union catalogue | MARC bib | web download https://www.bib-bvb.de/web/b3kat/open-data |
Bach | Materials from Brazil | MARC bib | email attach |
Backstage | Cataloging records, authorities | MARC bib MARC authority | FTP |
Berenguer | Chilean | MARC bib | email attach |
Booksur | Bolivian | MARC bib | email attach |
Books from Mexico | Mexican materials | MARC bib | Email attachment |
Cambeiro | Argentina & Brazilian | MARC bib | Email attach |
Cambridge | P/E books/journals | MARC bib | FTP pickup |
Casalini | Italian books | MARC bib EDIFACT | FTP pickup email attach |
CIBTC | Chinese materials, some Japanese | MARC bib EDIFACT | Email attachment (MARC bib) |
CNPIEC | Chinese materials | MARC bib | Email attach |
Coutts/OASIS | English books/eBooks | MARC bib EDIFACT XML | FTP Pickup Cornell API |
CRL | Shared resources | MARC bib | FTP pickup |
Derex | Romanian | MARC bib | Email attach |
DK Agencies | South Asian material | MARC bib | Email attach |
DOAB | eBooks | MARC bib | API |
Docuseek2 | Streaming video | MARC bib | email attach |
Eastview | Slavic materials | MARC bib | FTP pickup |
EBSCO | Subscriptions, eBooks, databases, KB provider | EDIFACT MARC bib | FTP |
Emerald | eBooks | MARC bib | Web download |
Erasmus | Dutch materials | MARC bib | Email attachment |
Ex Libris | KB provider | MARC bib | Web download |
EZB | Electronic Journals Library | XML | XML interface (http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/services/xmloutput.phtml?bibid=ZBW&colors=7&lang=de) Unfortunately no English description provided. |
Films on Demand | streaming video | MARC bib | FTP pickup Web download |
FOLIO | Cataloging records | MARC bib MARC holding? | Local file |
GND | German authority file | MARCXML auth, RDF/XML, Turtle, JSON | OAI-PMH, SRU, web download https://data.dnb.de/opendata/ |
GOBI | English books/eBooks | MARC bib EDIFACT XML | FTP API web download |
GVK | GBV union catalogue | MARC bib (holdings included) | API (SRU, Z39.50) |
Harrassowitz/Otto Editions | German books. eBooks, subscriptions | MARC bib EDIFACT XML | FTP email attach |
hbz network database | hbz union catalogue | MARC bib MAB2 | OAI, Z39.50, SRU, web download https://wiki1.hbz-nrw.de/display/SEM/Aktuelle+Open-Data-Exporte |
HeBIS network database | hebis union catalogue | MARC bib | API (Z39.50), if required via http in Pica+ format |
Hein | Legal materials | EDIFACT | FTP |
Iberoamericana | Materials from Spain & Portugal | MARC bib | email attach |
Iran Farhang | Persian materials | Excel/Delimited | Email attachment |
Iturriaga | Peruvian materials | MARC bib | Email attach |
JPT | Japanese materials | MARC bib | email attach |
JSTOR | eBooks/eJournals | MARC bib | Email attachment |
Karno | Latin American art books (based in Calif) | MARC bib | email attach |
Kanopy | Streaming video | MARC bib | Web download |
Kozmenko | Slavic materials | Excel/Delimited | FTP |
LC-Cairo (PL-480) plan | Middle Eastern materials | MARC bib | Email attach |
Leila | Egyptian materials | MARC bib | Email Attach |
Lexicon | Polish materials | MARC bib Excel delimited | Email attach (Cornell) |
Libra | Turkish materials | Excel/Delimited | FTP |
LIBRIS | Swedish union catalogue | MARC-XML (Auth, Bib, Hold) JSON-LD, RDF | OAI-PMH FTP |
LTI | Authority work | MARC authority | FTP web download |
MARCIVE | Cataloging records, authority records | MARC bib | FTP |
MG Noura | Iranian materials, Locally compiled data | Excel/Delimited | N/A |
Midwest | US books | EDIFACT | FTP |
MEMSO (TannerRitchie) | eBooks | MARC bib | FTP |
MIPP | Russian materials | MARC bib | FTP email attach |
Nardecchia | Italian materials | EDIFACT | FTP |
Naxos | Music e-resources | MARC bib | Web download |
Nazeer | Locally compiled data | Excel/Delimited | Local file |
National Film Bureau of Canada | eVideos | MARC bib | FTP |
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) | eBooks | MARC bib | FTP |
OAPEN | eBooks | MARC bib (XML) | Web download |
OCLC | Cataloging records, KB provider | MARC bib MARC authority | FTP web download |
Overdrive | eBooks | MARC Bib | Spreadsheet attach/script |
Oxford | P/E books/journals | MARC bib | Web download |
Panmun | Korean materials, locally compiled data | MARC bib Excel/Delimited | Local file |
Peter Ward | LC Authority records | MARC authority | FTP |
Project MUSE | eBooks | MARC bib | |
ProQuest/eBook Central | Databases, eBooks, KB provider | MARC bib | OCLC Collection Manager - Web Download |
Qingyinkemao Development Center | Chinese materials | MARC bib | Email attach |
Retta | Based in Uruguay; Latin American materials | MARC bib | Email attach |
Rossi | Materials from Argentina | MARC bib | email attach |
Sage | P/E books/journals | MARC bib | |
Serbica | Serbia, | MARC bib | Email attach |
State Library | Russian | MARC bib | FTP |
Springer | ebooks/ejournals | MARC bib | OCLC Collection Manager - Web download |
Sulaiman | Jordanian materials, Locally compiled data | Excel/Delimited | Local file |
Swank | Motion pictures | MARC bib | web download |
SWB network database | SWB union catalog | MARC bib | API (SRU, Z39.50), web download https://swblod.bsz-bw.de/od/ |
Taylor & Francis | P/E books/journals | MARC bib | |
Theodore Front | music scores | MARC bib | Email attach |
University administration | User data | Excel/Delimited | it depends (per university): API, Email attachment, FTP, ... |
User data registration | User data | Microsoft Access | Patrons fill in a registration form via web interface. Commonly used in GBV libraries. Description (in German); https://verbundwiki.gbv.de/display/VZG/Webbasiertes+Anmeldeverfahren Delivery method: API (as needed promptly) |
VIAF | Authority records | MARC authority | |
W.T. Cox | Serials subscription service | EDIFACT | FTP |
Weinberg | Hebrew materials | MARC bib | Email attachment |
Worldwide | art books/exhibition catalogs | MARC bib | email attach |
Wuheba | Arabic materials | MARC bib | email attach |
Zahraei | Locally compiled data | Excel/Delimited | Local file |
ZDB | German national serial catalogue (databases, journals, newspapers), CC0 licenced | MARCXML bib, hld & bib incl. hld, RDF/XML, Turtle, JSON-LD | OAI-PMH, SRU, web download https://data.dnb.de/opendata/ |
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