Sources of Batch Files

Sources of Batch Files

These are sources of batch files loaded by FOLIO libraries. Some are materials vendors. Others are utilities of various kinds.

Please continue to add sources and add/correct entries in the table. 

Possible record formats: MARC bib, MARC holdings, MARC authority, Excel/delimited, or EDIFACT

Possible delivery methods: FTP, API, E-mail, Web download, Other

Record sourceFocusFormatDelivery method
ACLS HEBHumanities ebooksMARC bibWeb download
Alexander Street PresseBooks, eScores, eVideos, eAudioMARC bibWeb download
AmalivreFrench materials

MARC bib


 FTP pickup (Cornell, Chicago)

email attach

AndinosEcuadorMARC bibemail attach

Andromeda Research

Locally compiled dataExcel/DelimitedLocal file
ATCEastern European materialsMARC bib Email attachment
B3KatBVB and KOBV union catalogueMARC bibweb download https://www.bib-bvb.de/web/b3kat/open-data
BachMaterials from BrazilMARC bib email attach
BackstageCataloging records, authoritiesMARC bib
MARC authority
BerenguerChileanMARC bibemail attach
BooksurBolivianMARC bibemail attach
Books from MexicoMexican materialsMARC bib Email attachment
CambeiroArgentina & BrazilianMARC bibEmail attach
CambridgeP/E books/journalsMARC bib FTP pickup
CasaliniItalian booksMARC bib

 FTP pickup

email attach

CIBTCChinese materials, some Japanese

MARC bib


 Email attachment (MARC bib)
CNPIECChinese materialsMARC bibEmail attach
Coutts/OASISEnglish books/eBooksMARC bib
FTP Pickup Cornell
CRLShared resourcesMARC bibFTP pickup
DerexRomanianMARC bib Email attach
DK AgenciesSouth Asian materialMARC bib Email attach
Docuseek2Streaming videoMARC bib email attach
EastviewSlavic materialsMARC bib FTP pickup
EBSCOSubscriptions, eBooks, databases, KB provider


MARC bib

EmeraldeBooksMARC bibWeb download
ErasmusDutch materialsMARC bib Email attachment
Ex LibrisKB providerMARC bib Web download
EZBElectronic Journals LibraryXMLXML interface (http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/services/xmloutput.phtml?bibid=ZBW&colors=7&lang=de) Unfortunately no English description provided.
Films on Demandstreaming videoMARC bib

FTP pickup

Web download

FOLIOCataloging recordsMARC bib
MARC holding?
 Local file
GNDGerman authority fileMARCXML auth, RDF/XML, Turtle, JSONOAI-PMH, SRU, web download https://data.dnb.de/opendata/
GOBIEnglish books/eBooksMARC bib
web download
GVKGBV union catalogue

MARC bib (holdings included)

API (SRU, Z39.50)
Harrassowitz/Otto EditionsGerman books. eBooks, subscriptionsMARC bib


email attach

hbz network databasehbz union catalogue

MARC bib


OAI, Z39.50, SRU, web download https://wiki1.hbz-nrw.de/display/SEM/Aktuelle+Open-Data-Exporte
HeBIS network databasehebis union catalogueMARC bibAPI (Z39.50), if required via http in Pica+ format
HeinLegal materialsEDIFACTFTP
IberoamericanaMaterials from Spain & PortugalMARC bib email attach
Iran FarhangPersian materialsExcel/Delimited Email attachment
IturriagaPeruvian materialsMARC bib Email attach
JPTJapanese materialsMARC bibemail attach 
JSTOReBooks/eJournalsMARC bib Email attachment
KarnoLatin American art books (based in Calif)MARC bib email attach
KanopyStreaming videoMARC bib Web download
KozmenkoSlavic materialsExcel/Delimited FTP
LC-Cairo (PL-480) planMiddle Eastern materialsMARC bib Email attach
LeilaEgyptian materialsMARC bib Email Attach
LexiconPolish materialsMARC bib
Excel delimited
 Email attach (Cornell)
LibraTurkish materialsExcel/Delimited FTP
LIBRISSwedish union catalogue

MARC-XML (Auth, Bib, Hold)




LTIAuthority workMARC authority


web download

MARCIVECataloging records, authority recordsMARC bib FTP
MG NouraIranian materials, Locally compiled dataExcel/Delimited N/A
MEMSO (TannerRitchie)eBooksMARC bibFTP
MIPPRussian materialsMARC bib


email attach

NardecchiaItalian materialsEDIFACT FTP
NaxosMusic e-resourcesMARC bibWeb download
NazeerLocally compiled dataExcel/DelimitedLocal file
National Film Bureau of CanadaeVideosMARC bibFTP
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)eBooksMARC bibFTP
OAPENeBooksMARC bib (XML)Web download
OCLCCataloging records, KB providerMARC bib
MARC authority
web download
OverdriveeBooksMARC BibSpreadsheet attach/script
OxfordP/E books/journalsMARC bib Web download
PanmunKorean materials, locally compiled dataMARC bib
 Local file
Peter WardLC Authority recordsMARC authorityFTP
Project MUSEeBooksMARC bib 
ProQuest/eBook CentralDatabases, eBooks, KB providerMARC bib OCLC Collection Manager - Web Download
Qingyinkemao Development CenterChinese materialsMARC bibEmail attach
RettaBased in Uruguay; Latin American materialsMARC bib Email attach
RossiMaterials from ArgentinaMARC bib email attach
SageP/E books/journalsMARC bib 
SerbicaSerbia,MARC bibEmail attach
State LibraryRussianMARC bibFTP
Springerebooks/ejournalsMARC bibOCLC Collection Manager - Web download
SulaimanJordanian materials, Locally compiled dataExcel/DelimitedLocal file
SwankMotion picturesMARC bib web download
SWB network databaseSWB union catalog

MARC bib

API (SRU, Z39.50), web download https://swblod.bsz-bw.de/od/
Taylor & FrancisP/E books/journalsMARC bib 
Theodore Frontmusic scoresMARC bibEmail attach
University administrationUser dataExcel/Delimitedit depends (per university): API, Email attachment, FTP, ...
User data registrationUser dataMicrosoft Access

Patrons fill in a registration form via web interface. Commonly used in GBV libraries. Description (in German); https://verbundwiki.gbv.de/display/VZG/Webbasiertes+Anmeldeverfahren

Delivery method: API (as needed promptly)

VIAFAuthority recordsMARC authority 
W.T. CoxSerials subscription serviceEDIFACTFTP
WeinbergHebrew materialsMARC bib Email attachment
Worldwideart books/exhibition catalogsMARC bib email attach
WuhebaArabic materialsMARC bib email attach
ZahraeiLocally compiled dataExcel/DelimitedLocal file
ZDBGerman national serial catalogue (databases, journals, newspapers), CC0 licencedMARCXML bib, hld & bib incl. hld, RDF/XML, Turtle, JSON-LDOAI-PMH, SRU, web download https://data.dnb.de/opendata/

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