Properties not Included in Mapping Profile's Transformations

Properties not Included in Mapping Profile's Transformations

Instance record

Naming convention discrepancy

Administrative data - Record last updated  (listed as Instance - Updated date)
Administrative data - Source  (listed as  Instance - Updated by)
Administrative data - Record created  (listed as Instance - Created date )
Administrative data - Source  (listed as Instance - Created by)

Properties not included:

  1. Suppress from discovery
  2. Staff suppress
  3. Previously held
  4. Cataloged date
  5. Instance status term
  6. Statistical code
  7. Administrative note
  8. Index title
  9. Series statements
  10. Preceding titles
  11. Succeeding titles
  12. Publication Place
  13. Publication date
  14. Publication role
  15. Physical description
  16. Nature of content
  17. Format
  18. Publication frequency
  19. Publication range
  20. Instance notes
  21. Classification
  22. Child instance

Holdings record

Naming convention discrepancy

Administrative data - Record last updated  (listed as Holdings - Updated date)
Administrative data - Source  (listed as  Holdings - Updated by)
Administrative data - Record created  (listed as Holdings - Created date )
Administrative data - Source  (listed as Holdings - Created by)

Properties not included:

  1. Suppress from discovery
  2. Source
  3. Former Holdings Id
  4. Holdings type
  5. Statistical code
  6. Administrative notes
  7. Shelving order
  8. Shelving title
  9. Number of items
  10. ILL policy
  11. Digitization policy
  12. Retention policy
  13. Acquisition method
  14. Order format
  15. Receipt status
  16. Receiving history - Public display
  17. Receiving history - Enumeration
  18. Receiving history - Chronology

Item record

Naming convention discrepancy

Administrative data - Record last updated  (listed as Item- Updated date)
Administrative data - Source  (listed as  Item - Updated by)
Administrative data - Record created  (listed as Item - Created date )
Administrative data - Source  (listed as Item - Created by)

Properties not included:

  1. Suppress from discovery
  2. Accession number
  3. Item identifier
  4. Former identifier
  5. Statistical code
  6. Administrative note
  7. Item call number
  8. Item call number - prefix
  9. Item call number - suffix
  10. Item call number type
  11. Condition - Number of missing pieces
  12. Condition - Missing pieces
  13. Condition - Missing pieces- Date
  14. Condition - Item damaged status
  15. Condition - Item damaged status - Date
  16. Temporary loan type
  17. Check in /check out notes
  18. Item - Temporary location
  19. Bound-with analytics
  20. Display summary

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