Package export testing 21.10.2022

These tests were executed at Snapshot-1 environment 21.10.2022. 
Note: The value of KAFKA_CONSUMER_POLL_INTERVAL is equal to default value (3600000), which must be equal to 1 hour; see the link

Probably the issues described in test #4-#5 appear because of the KAFKA_CONSUMER_POLL_INTERVAL which was set to default value (3600000). This statement is false (see Package export testing 25.10.2022)

Test №Test data information

Test result information:

1 (Smoke)


PackageJob ID:Status:Error:Start Time:End Time:Size of ".csv" (Mb)
Title:Wiley Online Library5Successful
10/21/2022, 6:11 AM10/21/2022, 6:16 AM1,4
Package info:# of Titles
Test №Test data information

Test result information:

2 (Smoke)


PackageJob ID:Status:Error:Start Time:End Time:Size of ".csv" (Mb)
Title:Springer eBooks (Complete Collection 2013)6Successful
10/21/2022, 6:20 AM10/21/2022, 6:36 AM7,1
Package info:# of Titles
Test №Test data information

Test result information:

3 (Critical)


PackageJob ID:Status:Error:Start Time:End Time:Size of ".csv" (Mb)
10/21/2022, 7:25 AM10/21/2022, 7:53 AM51,3
Package info:# of Titles
9,727 (apply sort "Asia")
# of Notes1 (4k symbols with formatting)
Provider tokenYes
Package tokenYes
# of Tags1
# of Agreements1
Test №Test data information

Test result information:

4 (Critical)


PackageJob ID:Status:Error:Start Time:End Time:Size of ".csv" (Mb)
Title:VLeBooks9Failed[503 Service Unavailable] during [GET] to [http://eholdings/packages/125531-2631932/resources?searchfield=title&filter%5Bname%5D=asia&page=10&count=20&include=accessType] [KbEbscoClient#getResourcesByPackageId(String,Map)]: [{ "errors" : [ { "title" : "Service 'resourcemanagement.knowledgebase.rma-title' is unavailable" } ], "jsonapi" : { "version" : "1.0" } }] (ServiceUnavailable)10/21/2022, 8:30 AM10/21/2022, 9:31 AM

Note: The "Start time" value changed to: "10/21/2022, 9:30 AM"
See screenshot:

Package info:# of Titles
9,727 (apply sort "Asia")
# of Notes 15 (4k symbols with formatting)
Provider tokenYes
Package tokenYes
# of Tags5
# of Agreements5
Title info:# of "Titles" with assigned:
"Note", "Agreements", "Tags",
"Access status type"
# of Tags in each5
# of Agreements in each5
# of Notes in each10
Test №Test data information

Test result information:

5 (Critical)
RETEST of 4 test


PackageJob ID:Status:Error:Start Time:End Time:Size of ".csv" (Mb)
10/21/2022, 9:36 AM10/21/2022, 11:56 AM691 mb

Notes: It's retest of previous test (test 4):

After one hour of job (with id=10) execution:
1) The "Start Time" of Job with Id=10 changed to "10/21/2022, 10:37 AM".
2) The "Start Time" of Job with Id=9 changed to "10/21/2022, 10:37 AM".
3) The Status of Job with Id=9 changed to "In progress"
See attached screenshot:

After more 14 minutes:
4) The job with Id value=09 changed status to "Successful.
5) The "Start Time" of Job with Id=9 changed to: "10/21/2022, 8:30 AM" .
6) The "End time" of Job with Id=9 changed to: "10/21/2022, 10:51 AM".
7) The size of exported ".csv" file from Job with Id=9 is 690 Mb.
8) In exported ".csv" file the information about Titles #7798-9727 is missing (the fields are blank). 
See attached screenshot:

After two hours of job (with Id=10) execution :
9) The "Start Time" of Job with Id=9 changed to: "10/21/2022, 11:37 AM".
10) The job with Id value=09 changed status to "Failed".
11) The error message of job with Id value=09 changed status to "[502 Bad Gateway] during [GET] to [http://eholdings/packages/125531-2631932/resources?searchfield=title&filter%5Bname%5D=asia&page=233&count=20&include=accessType] [KbEbscoClient#getResourcesByPackageId(String,Map)]: [{ "errors" : [ { "title" : "Internal server error" } ], "jsonapi" : { "version" : "1.0" } }] (BadGateway)".

After more 14 minutes:
12) The job with Id value=09 changed status to "Successful".
13) The "Start Time" of Job with Id=10 changed to "10/21/2022, 9:36 AM".
14) The size of exported ".csv" file from Job with Id=10 is 690 Mb.
15) In exported ".csv" file the information about Titles #9650-9727 is missing (the fields are blank). 
See attached screenshot:

In attachments, you can find the logs of these exports:

Package info:# of Titles
9,727 (apply sort "Asia")
# of Notes 15 (4k symbols with formatting)
Provider tokenYes
Package tokenYes
# of Tags5
# of Agreements5
Title info:# of "Titles" with assigned:
"Note", "Agreements", "Tags",
"Access status type"
# of Tags in each5
# of Agreements in each5
# of Notes in each10

Test №Test data information

Test result information:

6 (Critical)


PackageJob ID:Status:Error:Start Time:End Time:Size of ".csv" (Mb)
10/21/2022, 12:37 PM10/21/2022, 12:52 PMabout 6 Mb

This test is performed to show the difference between export of "Package" record with duplicated in each row "Package" information and between export of only "Resource" information.
There is significant difference in execution time and size of exported ".csv" (Compare export job id=10 and job id=11)

You can see the exported file in attachements:

Title info:

# of "Titles" with assigned:
"Agreements", "Tags",
"Access status type"

# of Tags in each5
# of Agreements in each5
# of Notes in each10