Spitfire - Issue priorities

Spitfire - Issue priorities

  1. P1 issues. If a request was received from production usage or escalation from Capacity Planning Group. Each P1 issue should be reviewed by PO, Dev Lead, and SM.
  2. Tickets from the current sprint:
    1. Unfinished issues
    2. Ticket at In Code Review state with unresolved comments.
    3. Ticket with comments after testing that should be done in the scope of a particular ticket.
    4. Issues that block other tasks in the current sprint.
    5. P2 issues that have been added to the current sprint without unresolved dependency.
    6. P3/P4 issues that have been added to the current sprint without unresolved dependency.
  3. Tasks from backlog without unresolved dependency. If the task is picked up into the current sprint see priorities at p#2.

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