2019-11-18 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes

2019-11-18 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Discussion items

  • Find a note taker: Chris Creswell

 Review Action ItemsDale + group Many action items that originated in the DM group have piled up here System Operations and Management SIG Meetings and Notes and on the subsequent pages.

WolfCon agenda proposalsDale + group

WolfCon is coming up in Texas, College Station (the main campus of Texas A&M University), from Jan 22-24, 2020 !

Message from Paula Sullenger to SIG Conveners (Nov 14):

"Just a reminder to have agenda ideas submitted by Monday, if possible. At this point the planning group needs to know how many rooms we need, so please submit your session topic, approximate number of attendees, and if you think you’ll need Zoom. You can firm up your agenda later.

Also, there is a new Slack channel for discussing FOLIO issues for the upcoming WOLFCon: # folio-wolfcon2020."

WOLFCon Registration Link

Who will be able to attend from this group ?

What session do we want to have there ? What should be on the agenda ? Who should meet (group only, group + developers, group + POs etc.) ?

Who will be the moderator ?

What equipment is needed ?

These questions shall be answered along with the same questions for the main SysOps SIG. See the recent protocol here: 2019-11-08 - System Operations and Management SIG Agenda and Notes .  Also, can we get an estimate about the number of people who will attend including the main group (we had a small audience on Friday) ?

Proposed session should be submitted by this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zIfnRNE_mbMRcLR0op-deYPlLmojr8ji7DpzI4f9p6s/viewform?edit_requested=true

Here is the link to the planning document we developed today: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fMAG6LTBlOSZHxQb3IcuV89mzhE9rjXzw5K8wrXJ5jc/edit

We consolidated from 4 sessions down to 3 – separate sessions by Chicago and TAMU presenting their migration experiences and strategies were combined into a single two-hour session in which multiple institutions all do this.

In session 2 about the bulk APIs, we'll need some developers from modules that have implemented the bulk API feature of RAML module builder to talk about how we should use it.  mod-inventory and mod-users are the likely candidates.  The developers will need to be more than attendees - they'll need to be prepared to talk a bit.

A draft agenda will be out by Nov 18th.

From the meeting chat (from Jenn Colt):

The last time I made a GitHub list it was
Current code in GH:

Inventory focused
Inventory, users, locations, permissions
dotnet app
marc to folio

This is the contents of the planning document at the end of the session:


  1. Presentation of experiences with migrating legacy data to Folio

3 presenters (Dale + Jon, Ann + developers, Theodor); approx. 30 min each

  • Chicago
  • TAMU
  • Chalmers
  • Alabama 
  • 5 Colleges 

Moderator: Dale

    Possible Outcomes: Information sharing; a common recommendation / migration

 strategy ?

    Expected # of attendees: 20

2 hours

    2. How to use the bulk APIs; Usefulness of bulk APIs; possible enhancements

    Agenda: Presentation of bulk APIs by core team members who have implemented the APIs (for mod_users, mod_inventory); 

    Expected # of attendees: 20

    Must have Attendees: 1-2 persons from the core team

    Moderator: Ian Walls

    Desired outcome: Gain an overview: what is available now and how can we make use of it ? Recommendations for a second wave of bulk API implementation.

1 hour

3. Effective workflows for Migration

  • Data requirements
  • Documentation of migration tools. An entry point for interesting libraries; a high-level documentation for the community; an overview of existing tools and recommendations of when / for what purposes to use them.
  • Audience: People with little or much experience in migration
  • Expected Attendees: 30
  • Moderator: Theodor
  • Proposed Agenda:

The order in which things need to be migrated

Sharing experiences from other migrations (Koha, …)

Summary: What have we learned from that ?

90 minutes

Equipment for all sessions: Conference microphone for Zoom sessions, computer projector, whiteboard & markers"


A lot of talk has been going on on the Slack #data-migration channel in recent days. This was about bibliographic data migration.

We should produce a concise documentation about the results of this conversation for others.

Action items

  • Anne L. Highsmithwill talk to Paula Sullenger about editing existing proposals to reflect what we decided today