2019-08-05 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes

2019-08-05 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes

*There will not be a meeting on Monday 8-12-19


at 11 EST

Link to meeting: https://zoom.us/j/204980147

Discussion items

5Welcome and assign note taker.Dale

Welcome and request for someone to take notes, preferably, someone who hasn't done it in awhile. Michelle will take notes.

20Early implementers requirementsTod

Report from Tod on whether any early implementers need to do a gap load in their migration to Folio:

Early Implementer meeting notes with discussion details – see "Survey about migration scenarios - "Big Bang" vs. "Trickle" Migration plans"

General discussion about: 2 phase migration...e.g. bib records first...and frozen, are API deletes really needed (for migration)? ...is gap loading needed?  The 'MVP' may require a larger downtime during migration in the spirit of a true MVP.  Acceptable since it is an MVP?

Mention of a requirement for sync. between a union catalog and FOLIO and union catalog will be integrated as a knowledge base (Ingolf)  – similar to what Chalmers is doing.  There may be some potential for re-use of the Chalmers functionality.  Chalmers use case is exchanging 'inventory' records.

35Data LoaderJon

Jon may give us a brief update on improvements to the data loader that he showed us previously.

Improvements to the general data loader (the updated version is on github - Jon will post a link in slack):

-save -validate -force -all -- will print out all of the validation errors....

-save flag with the new -whatif flag will just validate data and won't save to file

Jon is working on a different data loader that:

-Loads data directly from relational database

sub-tables (like email, phones addresses - for organizations) are loaded into hash tables ...then the main loop builds everything up into an object graph

currently working for smaller objects like organizations

- the goal is to generate templates

- he wants to get the code to the point where all you have to do is replace the default SQL queries

If there is interest he'll demo it in a few weeks

N/ABulk API review 

We did not discuss this today →

Continued discussion on bulk API requirements.

Some jiras of relevance:

And for some background and discussion from other sites (cited by Anatolii Starkov):


**No meeting next week (8/12).  The next meeting will be held on Monday 8-19

Link to Acquisitions Interface Fields
Link to  FOLIO Record Data Elements  (contains links to specific spreadsheets, but most of them are not up to date.)

Action Items

Request for migration plans of Lehigh, TAMU and Cornell to be added to this document.  (Michelle Suranofsky Christopher Creswell )