2019-02-18 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes


at 11 EST

Discussion items


Welcome and request for someone to take notes.

15ERM migrationMartina T.

Martina will give us a brief report about on-going discussions in the ERM group about mgrating ERM data.

Recording of ERM Q4 demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BZUL3jVzA9-jSlHLj0JOuAcrmJna9Blx/view?usp=sharing

FOLIO instance with ERM: http://folio-q4.aws.indexdata.com/

Martina reported from the ERM group that they had discussed migration plans and ideas and started mapping discussions. Two different migration needs came up:

  1. Some institutions have homegrown MS Access databases with basic descriptive info that they'd like to migrate
  2. Some institutions would like to migrate from CORAL 2.0 
    Next step is to create spreadsheets with fields with agreement and license apps, but the APIs and their schemas are still under discussion. The ERM Subgroup will notify us when is the spreadsheet is ready to be used for mapping.
15Data LoaderPatty W.

Patty will provide a brief report on any discussions she has had on how to proceed on data loader development. We should also discuss the need for institutions to prioritize the data loader among the work for the developers to work on.

Patty reported on recent data loader efforts. Alexander Soto, her EBSCO colleague in Latin America, has worked to put together a team of volunteer developers from various instituions whose are all on Aleph to start work on extract and transform scripts. When Patty discussed data loader issues with Cate Boerema and Mark Veksler, they suggested that Soto's team could also be asked to work on data loader needs. The team would need a lot of orientation to FOLIO and, since they are volunteers, there needs to be support from somewhere to get them the training and orientation and see to it that they can attend face-to-face meetings.

Patty also mentioned that an Implementation Group has been proposed and is under discussion by Product Council. This group might have legacy-system-specific subgroups, such as an Aleph Group, a Voyager group, an Innovative group, etc. From this point the discussions segued into general migration issues.

Link to Acquisitions Interface Fields
Link to FOLIO Record Data Elements

Action Items

  • Tod Olson Pull list of data elements and descriptions from JSON schema, focus on purchase-order and po_line schemas, send to Beltaine.
  • Tod Olson Contact User Management SIG (Maura Byrne) to find out more about Affiliation data upload plans
  • Dale Arnston will contact Khalilah and Ann-Marie attend an upcoming Data Migration subgroup meeting to discuss questions about the User-Import Endpoint tool and the Data Import tool
  • Tod Olson and Patty Wanninger to draft a Data Loaders Requirements document to for Data Migration group to discuss in 2 weeks (Dec 10)
  • Patty creates a Slack channel for Voyager resource access. She creates #migration-voyager, #migration-aleph, ... Slack channels.

  • Dale Arnston will talk with Patty about plans for discussing Data Loader user stories in a future meeting

  • Dale Arnston will follow up with Paula Sullenger and Jesse Koenneke to determine when the Data Loader Proposal can be presented to Product Council