2019-03-04 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes


at 11 EST

Discussion items


Welcome and request for someone to take notes.

15Data LoadingAnne HighsmithAnne will share recent work on loading reference data into Folio.

Link to Acquisitions Interface Fields
Link to FOLIO Record Data Elements

Action Items

  • Tod Olson Pull list of data elements and descriptions from JSON schema, focus on purchase-order and po_line schemas, send to Beltaine.
  • Tod Olson Contact User Management SIG (Maura Byrne) to find out more about Affiliation data upload plans
  • Dale Arnston will contact Khalilah and Ann-Marie attend an upcoming Data Migration subgroup meeting to discuss questions about the User-Import Endpoint tool and the Data Import tool
  • Tod Olson and Patty Wanninger to draft a Data Loaders Requirements document to for Data Migration group to discuss in 2 weeks (Dec 10)
  • Patty creates a Slack channel for Voyager resource access. She creates #migration-voyager, #migration-aleph, ... Slack channels.

  • Dale Arnston will talk with Patty about plans for discussing Data Loader user stories in a future meeting

  • Dale Arnston will follow up with Paula Sullenger and Jesse Koenneke to determine when the Data Loader Proposal can be presented to Product Council