2018-06-18 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Discussion items

  • Volunteer for note taking.

Patty Wanninger volunteered


Merge HR identifiers from uuid discussion into data model sheets



Tod suggestions that identification of HR IDs (Human Readable) should not be a separate process, but remarked in each UI where it is required - e.g. Instance, Holdings, Items, Users. There isn't a need for HR IDs across the board.

Wayne agreed that this issue is highly visible and has been discussed extensively. This group will continue to treat these HR IDs as a gap and report them to the attention of the various SIGs.

5minsData LoaderVarious

Create stories for UXPROD-850

Discussion: Patty and Tod will draft user stories for this ticket and bring them to the meeting on July 2 (if there is a meeting on July 2 - I cannot attend - PDW)


Continue discussion of loan spread sheet

What will loan data will be migrated? Would old loan rules need to be brought forward?

Need to create gap analysis tabs for each document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DbcGt93trebGlS1MegVeyGggDzomWphoKwqMGs-34F8/edit?pli=1#gid=1944740608

The group set a date of July 16th to have these loan tabs done. We will go through this spreadsheet in detail at the next meeting.

20minRequestsVariousDiscuss requests spreadsheet

Action items