2024-10-1 Consortia SIG Notes

Meeting Recording


Lucy Harrison Darsi Rueda Steve Strohl Martina Tumulla Sean Boyle Dennis Bridges Elena OMalley Wilhelmina Randtke

Discussion items

5Announcements/Quick topics Lucy

WOLFcon report - nothing that seems to affect Consortia too much.  EBSCO's work that affects permissions (it's changing to "roles") will be work for us, both single and Consortia sites.

Permission changes (Dennis): UAT for this, HAPPENING OCT 2-9.  Page with details

Dennis: Folks might want to review this presentation at WOLFcon It's a comprehensive overview of the state of ECS functionality.

MOBIUS went live on Poppy, moving to Q later this month

10OpenRS Debrief


Slides are here:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_2N-MmZRbFdAa3onFqWZFXmDJwChAqcoN16pzWXSTCE/edit?usp=sharing

Lucy: We'll want to talk with them about Consortial reporting needs.  

We'll invite them back once a quarter perhaps for updates as the work continues.

No one else had comments.

20Survey Results Overview and DiscussionLucy 

Lucy reviewed the results and summarized them in this slide deck.

Resons for going single-tenant vs multi.  Critical functionality available and still needed.

Highest priority for SIG to do: create consortial functionality gap list.  Survey results said it was low priority to figure out how to migrate from single- to multi-tenant.  Maybe it was SIG members themselves who were interested in knowing how to migrate.

Next step is to decide priorities and then how to proceed with them.  Presuming gap list and reporting functionality.

20Update on Conversation with Reporting SIG, Review of EBSCO input on reporting needsLucy/Noah

Lucy: There are some reports we would like available [wiki page]. Many are resource sharing.  Lucy asked EBSCO on which reports were now available, has spreadsheet from Dennis reporting on status for all of them.  Will get posted to the wiki. We should review thoroughly in upcoming meeting. What do we want to weigh in on, escalate, rethink given recent development. There's lots on the list besides resource sharing.

Dennis: List is updated based on what is currently available. He considered from the POV of ECS, so what's supported by ECS in which module. Overwhelming majority of things that are resource sharing related really can't be fulfilled by Folio because it doesn't have all the data (separate Folio installations or non-Folio ILS).  Agrees we should review for relevancy, add detail, think about where the data lives. Need PO's from the specific areas to consult in those discussions.

Lucy: Noah and Lucy reached out to Reporting SIG and went to a meeting. They didn't think they had much oversight in this area; more about in-app Folio reporting in specific functional areas. Consortia reports don't fit neatly into the work they're doing.... but by end of conversation they agreed it should be something SIG should be aware of and involved with. More discussion needed, do we work with functional area PO's or with Reporting SIG? 

Lucy: We can do our review without that question being resolved. 

Dennis: Add column about where data is.  If all within Folio, it is responsibility of Reporting group.

Elena: But for Consortia, it will almost certainly be partially outside of Folio. And most will be very custom, which field is it pulling from in different systems, etc.  Hard to have one report that SIG/Folio would make that would work.

Dennis: We need to talk about use cases to refine these more. In some cases the data IS all in Folio. But certainly not all. Might need another solution (Panorama etc). 

Lucy: We can at least identify where the data will be.

Dennis: Maybe reports with even partial data would be valuable. Lists App will soon be able to get cross-app data (circ + orders etc).  Want to figure out what way to meet the requirement, need more details on the requirements.

Lucy will get this onto the wiki. Will update spreadsheet adding columns for in-app vs data warehouse reporting.  More about data source.

Action items