folio-announce Email List & Slack Channel

folio-announce Email List & Slack Channel

Slack is a powerful communication space for the FOLIO community. However, it can sometimes be a challenge to make or find announcements that are of broad interest across the project. To address this, the Community Council is creating a new channel as of January 2023: folio-announce

Folio-announce will be a relatively-low traffic channel used for broadcast announcements to active project participants. This may include such things as releases, events, open meetings, elections, membership calls, formal updates, workgroup task completion, calls for feedback, important reminders, and more. Importantly, it is accessible via both email and Slack.

To Make an Announcement

Email folio-announce@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org

To Read Announcements

Via Slack: join the open channel #folio-announce 

Via email: subscribe to the email list folio-announce@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org

  1. Navigate to https://ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org/
  2. Add your name & email to the webform. 
  3. Under the List pull down, select folio-announce
  4. Hit “Subscribe”

All messages sent via email automatically propagate to the #folio-announce Slack channel, so you may use whichever channel you prefer. (Email is particularly good for those who do not check FOLIO Slack religiously.) 

Posting Norms

Please send emails rather than posting directly to #folio-announce in order to avoid duplicate or missing messages. 

All members of the email list can post; non-members may see a slight delay while their posting waits for moderation.

Cross posting messages to multiple channels is still welcome, as is relaying and amplifying announcements made in smaller channels to the broader folio-announce channel.

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