2023-12-11 Community Council Meeting notes

2023-12-11 Community Council Meeting notes




CANCELLED Due to absences/lack of Agenda

Discussion items

Treasurer's update


FOLIO Developer AdvocateWe have 2 candidates (both from outside FOLIO)
Other Business

Backlog of topics to discuss
Action items to follow up with
FOLIO System Administration and DevOpsMike Gorrell  

Index Data needs to pull back from some System Administration tasks - we will end our support by March 1, 2024. Announced and first discussed 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes, next step is a list of duties to transition, then develop a plan, aim to have candidate teams by February 1.

Community survey

Survey closed Friday Sep 29. Tom shared a first draft / summary of grouped items in 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes 


  • Tom, Maccabee, Jesse - will produce summary to share early in the new year
  • All - feel free to add comments as you read/review, can also suggest new high-level categories
Community communication norms

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes

  • idea about changing the ask on SIG's!  Information and discussion in the SIGs and a transport of summaries to upper levels
  • asking how communication flows across the project, new people don't know, need some guidance for the project
  • no update
Architecture group

Addendum from Ian - 28th Nov.

I didn't think it was worth taking peoples time in the call with an update so posting here - Formally: the group has met twice and is trying to define it's scope - I don't think there is consensus yet.

Informally: I felt the last meeting we had was possibly one of the most constructive governance meetings we've had in a long time. A lot of the structural challenges we have were talked about (The way the three-council split can lead us into undecidable propositions). I felt we strayed into some old archetypes "The end users aren't consulted", and "Concern over derailment of the TC process". But then it felt like we started to synthesize a scope for a tri-council group as a group tasked with understanding a proposal, communicating it to the wider community, gathering and organising feedback, and then communicating that feedback to the source. TBC but I think the meetings are worthwhile - we didn't get into the detail of the app architecture itself, but progress on the question of what a tri-council group is/should be and how it relates to this specific question.

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