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FOLIO had to get a new credit card right before I took time off, the card is working but I can't view it yet so can't update Sept/Oct expenses. Working with the OLF Treasurer to get that fixed.
Received FY23 report from the accountants but haven't had time to review it.
By next meeting I should have:
Updated Sept & Oct income and expenditures
Completed FY23 financial report
Recommendation of how much to add to the FOLIO reserve account
Maccabee Levine : He provides summary of CC to TC meeting that follows, question of whether there is enough awareness of TC and PC discussions with the CC membership. Cross council meetings are useful but are there ways to increase cross council communication. There is a group to discuss the application formalization being formed, that will cross councils
Jenn Colt : Would like clarity on the process of forming the application formalization group
Possible need for governance discussion for things like new module approvals and release processes
Desire for project manager but no likelihood of having one
Suggestion that there might be CC liaisons to other groups, TC and PC have a number of liaisons
We want to take account for both the situation of an independent contractor or someone associated with an institution. In the latter case we need to account for institutional overhead which varies (Cornell is 37%, Stanford is 30-32%)
Mike Gorrell to refine the budget request and seek approval via Slack.
Architectural evolution will focus on Applications in FOLIO first. (Platform and authn/z will follow.) TC launching RFC process for app changes described at WOLFcon. TC subgroup to document non-technical requirements & implications for discussion in community. CC liaisons to effort to work with TC volunteers and PC liaisons on bringing this convo to fruition.