2018-08-20 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Discussion items

5 minsWelcomePatty

Note taker wanted.

25 minsHistorical dataVarious

Sharon has drafted a list of questions on historical data, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eh_4VhYTC0hI94ZVse8c1cHa4ZqN6cYcBalnx2XHPV8/edit

Discuss content of questionnaire and discuss distribution.

Discussion: what is historical data? How is it divided up into categories? We worked on the document in the meeting to specify.

  • Who is the audience for the survey? Perhaps rather than directing at libraries, direct it to the functional areas?
    • Direct the survey to the functional SIGs (e.g. Resource Access, Metadata Management), ask them to gather information from libraries
  • Give SIGs 2 weeks to respond – please complete by 14 September
  • Bring survey to Reporting SIG for input
  • Sharon Markus will distribute to SIG conveners
20 minsVendorsVarious

We hope to make a first pass on a gap analysis for the Vendors module. The Vendors spreadsheet is here.


There's an extensive gap analysis for Voyager.

Dennis Bridges replied with some documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aUMIqc4SwRzOGR4yPzrRSRElwM2CQ3uY?ui=1


10 minSharing experience - loading users and permissionsVarious


Action item