2018-02-12 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes

2018-02-12 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes


Zoom Connect Information

Topic: Data Migration Subgroup

Time: Feb 5, 2018 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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  • One thing that's on our minds at Chicago: the need to have loading APIs defined for all of the data we need to migrate far enough in advance for us to work our data conversion, test workflows, and give feedback on gaps.

    We have a few that we can start working with, but we'll need time with all of them.

  • - define the types of data that needs to be migrated in order to work with the system (e.g. bibs, holdings, items, ... )
    - acceptable load times

Discussion items

5 minWelcome and Introductions, call for Note taker

Welcome new attendees Theodor Tolstoy from EBSCO, migration and implementation consultant for Chalmers, and Charlotte Whitt from Index Data, inventory and Codex product owner.

5 minSubgroup convener(s)

5 minNew space for document sharing

We have a new space on Google Drive for sharing our documents, which is here.

45 minIdentifying institutional data to be migrated and mapping data from legacy systems to Folio.

Anne L. Highsmith has kindly created two spreadsheets to begin to document data domains which need to be migrated.

Two spreadsheets created, one by category/data type, one by system
Which approach is better when going to the SIGs?
System by system approach seems most practical, but both approaches are necessary.
  • Go to SIGs with data type spreadsheet
  • This working group populates the system spreadsheet
  • Go back to SIGs with prioritization requests

How to deal with mapping? Is that the task of the SIGs or of this working group?

  • Some decisions will be local
  • There need to be agreed upon semantic definitions of target fields so that mapping can follow best practices – get input from SIGs
  • Anne L. Highsmith presented a document highlighting differences between Voyager patron records and FOLIO user records – is this a useful exercise?
    • There may be iteration between this group, the SIGs, and the development team to shake out required changes to FOLIO data structures
    • Narrative format may not be the easiest to scan – can we turn this into a spreadsheet in some way?
    • This leads into a mapping exercise, field by field – is it time to do this now?
  • Theodor Tolstoy (One-Group.se) demonstrated some of his work parsing Sierra items to FOLIO data structures

For next week:

  • Continue discussion of data mapping with examples from Chalmers, TAMU, and U Chicago
  • Check in on how institutions are doing setting up local instances and loading test data
  • U Chicago may demonstrate loading users

Action items


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