- ui-search: module releaseUISE-156Resolved issue: UISE-156
- Deprecate moduleUISE-155Resolved issue: UISE-155Vadym Shchekotilin
- UISE (ui-search) Nolana releaseUISE-154Resolved issue: UISE-154Vadym Shchekotilin
- update NodeJS to v16 in GitHub ActionsUISE-153Resolved issue: UISE-153Zak Burke
- replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parserUISE-151Resolved issue: UISE-151
- Remove react-hot-loader from package.jsonUISE-150Resolved issue: UISE-150
- UISE (ui-search) releaseUISE-149Resolved issue: UISE-149
- UISE (ui-search) releaseUISE-147Resolved issue: UISE-147Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Remove Bigtest testsUISE-146Resolved issue: UISE-146Uladislau Samets
- UISE (ui-search) releaseUISE-143Resolved issue: UISE-143Victoria_Smelova
- increment stripes to v7UISE-142Resolved issue: UISE-142Vadym Shchekotilin
- release for R2 2021UISE-141Resolved issue: UISE-141Viktor Soroka
- Compile Translation Files into AST FormatUISE-140Resolved issue: UISE-140Mikita Siadykh
- Hide or fix the permissions related to CodexUISE-139Resolved issue: UISE-139Uladislau Samets
- Update stripes-cli to v2UISE-138Resolved issue: UISE-138Viktor Soroka
- UISE (ui-search) v4.0.0 releaseUISE-137Resolved issue: UISE-137Viktor Soroka
- Update stripes to v6.0.0 in ui-searchUISE-136Resolved issue: UISE-136Yelyzaveta Khokhlova
- Rewrite Bigtest tests for ViewRecord component with jest/react-testing-libraryUISE-135Resolved issue: UISE-135Uladislau Samets
- Rewrite Bigtest tests for Filters component with jest/react-testing-libraryUISE-134Resolved issue: UISE-134Uladislau Samets
- Rewrite Bigtest tests for Search component with jest/react-testing-libraryUISE-133Resolved issue: UISE-133Uladislau Samets
- Codex app permission issueUISE-132Resolved issue: UISE-132Vadym Shchekotilin
- UISE (ui-search) releaseUISE-131Resolved issue: UISE-131Yelyzaveta Khokhlova
- Filters Pane - Form elements must have labelsUISE-130Resolved issue: UISE-130
- Filters Pane - ARIA attributes must conform to valid valuesUISE-129Resolved issue: UISE-129
- Filters Pane - Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parentsUISE-128Resolved issue: UISE-128
- increment @folio/stripes to v5UISE-127Resolved issue: UISE-127Yelyzaveta Khokhlova
- UISE (ui-search) releaseUISE-126Resolved issue: UISE-126Yevhenii Maltsev
- ui-search: Update to Stripes v4UISE-124Resolved issue: UISE-124Yevhenii Maltsev
- Update stripes to v3.0.0UISE-122Resolved issue: UISE-122Yuliia Dovhal
- Release 2.0.0UISE-121Resolved issue: UISE-121Viktor Soroka
- Run Accessibility Checker and Color Contrast Analyzer toolsUISE-120Resolved issue: UISE-120Denys Bohdan
- No visible codex permissions makes using the codex in Edelweiss difficultUISE-119Resolved issue: UISE-119Khalilah Gambrell
- Security update eslint to >= 6.2.1 or eslint-util >= 1.4.1UISE-117Resolved issue: UISE-117Владислав Велицкий
- Release v1.10.0UISE-116Resolved issue: UISE-116Viktor Soroka
- Codex App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUISE-114Resolved issue: UISE-114
- Release 1.9.0UISE-113Resolved issue: UISE-113Viktor Soroka
- search in inventory for an item that is there does not workUISE-112Resolved issue: UISE-112
- Fix capitalization of phrases in ui-searchUISE-111Resolved issue: UISE-111Maccabee Levine
- MultiSelectionFilter's accordion IDs incorrectly use labelsUISE-109Resolved issue: UISE-109
- Inventory/search bug in Q1 2019 releaseUISE-110Resolved issue: UISE-110Zak Burke
- Build BigTest unit test code coverage above 80%UISE-108Resolved issue: UISE-108
- filter field labels are statically coded/untranslatableUISE-107Resolved issue: UISE-107Zak Burke
- filter labels are statically coded/untranslatableUISE-105Resolved issue: UISE-105Zak Burke
- When viewing a KB resource title - get an error message in the Result list (in eHoldings)UISE-104Resolved issue: UISE-104
- A long result list is being cut of, and does not display list in full screenUISE-103Resolved issue: UISE-103
- update integration tests to accommodate MCL aria changesUISE-102Resolved issue: UISE-102Zak Burke
- English words/phrases showing up in FOLIO Apps UI while in RTL - SearchCodex AppUISE-106Resolved issue: UISE-106
- UISE: Add test coverage for search panel filtersUISE-100Resolved issue: UISE-100
- Language filter is greyed out when Local is selected as sourceUISE-99Resolved issue: UISE-99
- Searching by FOLIO ID in Codex appends * causing KB lookup to failUISE-98Resolved issue: UISE-98
- Apply new checkbox and multi-select filtersUISE-97Resolved issue: UISE-97Yurii Danylenko
- Don't get any search results returned from KB (eHoldings/EKB)UISE-96Resolved issue: UISE-96Khalilah Gambrell
- Q4: Release v 1.4.0 of ui-searchUISE-94Resolved issue: UISE-94Niels Erik Nielsen
- Redirect directly to record by itself instead of search?UISE-93Resolved issue: UISE-93Niels Erik Nielsen
- Update ui-search nightmare tests to support coverageUISE-92Resolved issue: UISE-92
- An * is appended to all search terms by defaultUISE-91Resolved issue: UISE-91
- Set up BigTest infrastructureUISE-90Resolved issue: UISE-90Yurii Danylenko
- use correct view-record permissionsUISE-89
- upgrade Q3 release to stripes-form 0.9.0UISE-86Resolved issue: UISE-86Zak Burke
- Release version 1.2.0 of ui-searchUISE-85Resolved issue: UISE-85Niels Erik Nielsen
- Infinity scroll of search result has vanishedUISE-84Resolved issue: UISE-84Mike Taylor
- ISSN Codex search does not find instanceUISE-82Resolved issue: UISE-82Mike Taylor
- Wrong message: "Choose a filter […] to show results"UISE-81Resolved issue: UISE-81Mike Taylor
- Search results are not sorted by titleUISE-80Resolved issue: UISE-80
- Codex search renders incorrectly when loaded without a query-stringUISE-77Resolved issue: UISE-77
- Update the App bundle json fileUISE-76Charlotte Whitt
- Codex search results navigation problem 3: Reset All Not WorkingUISE-78Resolved issue: UISE-78Jeremy Huff
- Use of "$QUERY" in the queryTemplate is deprecated. Use the "%{query.query}" syntax insteadUISE-75Resolved issue: UISE-75Mike Taylor
- Result list. Add icon for KB itemsUISE-74Resolved issue: UISE-74Mike Taylor
- Extract hardcoded labels so they can be translatedUISE-73Roman Ruiz-Esparza
- "Search all fields" index is always greyed outUISE-72Resolved issue: UISE-72Mike Taylor
- Search Index shows "FOLIO ID", search uses "Identifiers"UISE-71Resolved issue: UISE-71
- Codex search results are taking Nonfiling characters into account when sortingUISE-70Resolved issue: UISE-70
- Codex search results treats Swedish diacritics as ascii equivalents when sorting resultsUISE-69Resolved issue: UISE-69
- Codex search treats Swedish diacritics as ascii equivalentsUISE-68Resolved issue: UISE-68
- When redirecting to Inventory or eHoldings, translate filtersUISE-67Resolved issue: UISE-67Mike Taylor
- When both "Available online" and "Not available" are checked do not restrict resultsUISE-66Resolved issue: UISE-66Mike Taylor
- Yarn lint won't run: Configuration for rule "jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content" is invalidUISE-65Resolved issue: UISE-65Mike Taylor
- When no sources are selected, query-index dropdown allows all selectionsUISE-64Resolved issue: UISE-64Mike Taylor
- searching by FOLIO ID does not workUISE-62Resolved issue: UISE-62Mike Taylor
- Create regression tests for ui-searchUISE-61Resolved issue: UISE-61Mike Taylor
- Holding Status filters sends incorrect queryUISE-60Resolved issue: UISE-60Mike Taylor
- The "Available Online" filter option should be selected by defaultUISE-59Resolved issue: UISE-59Mike Taylor
- Please add a text label next to icon in the source column in Codex SearchUISE-58Resolved issue: UISE-58Mike Taylor
- The initially selected index should be "Title", not "ID"UISE-57Resolved issue: UISE-57Mike Taylor
- After linking out to another app, strange redirects start to happenUISE-56Resolved issue: UISE-56Mike Taylor
- Brief-record displays in ui-search must link DIRECTLY into other modulesUISE-55Resolved issue: UISE-55Mike Taylor
- Make links to eHoldings records back buttonableUISE-54Resolved issue: UISE-54Mike Taylor
- Links into eHoldings should include the queryUISE-53Resolved issue: UISE-53Mike Taylor
- Link from ui-search's KB records into ui-eholdingsUISE-51Resolved issue: UISE-51Mike Taylor
- Link from ui-search's inventory records into ui-inventoryUISE-50Resolved issue: UISE-50Mike Taylor
- Rename ID to FOLIO ID, enable IdentifierUISE-49Resolved issue: UISE-49Mike Taylor
- When clearing the search, the record-display area should clearUISE-48Resolved issue: UISE-48Mike Taylor
- Changing sort-order, then returning to Title sort, breaks EKB searchingUISE-47Resolved issue: UISE-47Mike Taylor
- Index dropdown initially displays "ID" but is set emptyUISE-46Resolved issue: UISE-46Mike Taylor
- When There is an Unambiguous Match, The Details Record Should Open AutomaticallyUISE-45Resolved issue: UISE-45Zak Burke
- Fix default searchUISE-43Resolved issue: UISE-43Mike Taylor
- Query generation includes ORs which mod-codex-ekb cannot supportUISE-42Resolved issue: UISE-42Mike Taylor
- When starting the Codex Search UI, do not search for cql.allRecords=1UISE-41Resolved issue: UISE-41Mike Taylor
- Grey out unavailable indexes instead of omitting them entirelyUISE-40Resolved issue: UISE-40Mike Taylor
- Align Codex searching across UX prototype, CQL schema and running softwareUISE-39Resolved issue: UISE-39Mike Taylor
- Set initial value of qfield from URL parameterUISE-38Resolved issue: UISE-38Mike Taylor
- Title Search: Filter Options: LocalUISE-35Resolved issue: UISE-35Mike Taylor
- Title Search. Dropdown with the field to search inUISE-34Resolved issue: UISE-34Mike Taylor
- Title Search. Search by search criteria: All (Local and KB)UISE-33Resolved issue: UISE-33Mike Taylor
- Title Search. Search by search criteria: KBUISE-32Resolved issue: UISE-32Mike Taylor
- Title Search. Search by search criteria: LocalUISE-31Resolved issue: UISE-31Mike Taylor
- UI-search sends unsupported query to Codex APIUISE-30Resolved issue: UISE-30Hongwei Ji
- Dummy up package file to provide example of app metadata bundleUISE-29Resolved issue: UISE-29Mike Taylor
- Short but rigorous document specifying the Codex provider contractUISE-28Resolved issue: UISE-28Mike Taylor
- Figure out which Codex fields supply the source-DB and IDUISE-27Resolved issue: UISE-27Mike Taylor
- link to specific app details page from the codex app search resultUISE-26Resolved issue: UISE-26Mike Taylor
- Research Type lists. Analysing and documenting. Define filter list for All, Local, and KBUISE-25Resolved issue: UISE-25Charlotte Whitt
- Define common terminology for Resource Types. AnalysingUISE-24Resolved issue: UISE-24Charlotte Whitt
- Change App Name to Codex SearchUISE-23Resolved issue: UISE-23Mike Taylor
- Release ui-search v1.1.0UISE-22Resolved issue: UISE-22Mike Taylor
- Display "full records" using dummy data from mod-codex-mockUISE-21Resolved issue: UISE-21Mike Taylor
- ui-search records are not being renderedUISE-20Resolved issue: UISE-20Mike Taylor
- Retarget Okapi operation to use new mod-search, not inventoryUISE-19Resolved issue: UISE-19Mike Taylor
- Search capabilities. Analysis, and documentingUISE-18Resolved issue: UISE-18Mike Taylor
- Release ui-search v1.0.0UISE-17Resolved issue: UISE-17Mike Taylor
- Make reset-search button workUISE-16Resolved issue: UISE-16Mike Taylor
- Make full-record-view workUISE-15Resolved issue: UISE-15Mike Taylor
- Make filtering workUISE-14Resolved issue: UISE-14Mike Taylor
- Make searching workUISE-13Resolved issue: UISE-13Mike Taylor
- Consider how to do polymorphic full-record displayUISE-12Resolved issue: UISE-12Mike Taylor
- Set up skeletal search appUISE-11Resolved issue: UISE-11Mike Taylor
- Set up UI-search app in GitHubUISE-10Resolved issue: UISE-10John Malconian
- Search Result. Analysis. Linking to detailed instance data in Inventory App and eHolding app.UISE-9Resolved issue: UISE-9Mike Taylor
- Search Results when selected Search Type: KBUISE-8Resolved issue: UISE-8Mike Taylor
- Search Results when selected Search Type: LocalUISE-7Resolved issue: UISE-7Mike Taylor
- Search Results when selected Search Type: AllUISE-6Resolved issue: UISE-6Mike Taylor
- Search Type Picker: Help text to support navigation between All/Local/KBUISE-5Resolved issue: UISE-5
- Search Type Picker: Search constrained to KB-instances in the eHolding appUISE-4Resolved issue: UISE-4Mike Taylor
- Search Type Picker. Search constrained to instances in the Inventory appUISE-3Resolved issue: UISE-3Mike Taylor
- Search Type Picker: Navigate between All/Local/KBUISE-2Resolved issue: UISE-2Mike Taylor
- Understand usecases for the Codex Search appUISE-1Resolved issue: UISE-1
Finished loading more issues at the bottom of the list.
137 of 137
An * is appended to all search terms by default
Won't Do
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
relates to
hideTestRail: Results
Carole Godfrey
Carole GodfreyPriority
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 25, 2018 at 8:18 PM
Updated December 21, 2021 at 6:54 PM
Resolved December 21, 2021 at 6:54 PM
Holly Mistlebauer December 21, 2021 at 6:54 PM
This ticket has been closed because it is over 3 years old and has a very low priority.
Khalilah Gambrell January 7, 2019 at 6:35 PM
@Charlotte Whitt, any update on this user story? We are defining requirements and need to know if this has been resolved.
Charlotte Whitt October 29, 2018 at 1:11 PM
@Filip Jakobsen - do you have any input on this? Thanks!
Mike Taylor October 26, 2018 at 12:28 PM
This is deliberate and IIRC goes back to the earliest UX designs. @Filip Jakobsen should be involved if that's going to change.
Charlotte Whitt October 26, 2018 at 11:41 AM
Hi @Niels Erik Nielsen @Mike Taylor not sure if this might be in your domain?
While testing, I observed that an * gets appended to all terms entered in the Codex UI.
This gets passed on to the the MUX and subsequently on to mod-codex-ekb.
This behavior is default for shared search and sort component and what is wanted for RMB based back end modules to do a prefix type search.
This default behavior is NOT what is wanted by backend Codex KB module.
For this module, we are using advanced search capabilities of the KB as described below
Users should have the flexibility to enter an * in the search box or not to indicate if they want to perform a wildcard/prefix search.