English words/phrases showing up in FOLIO Apps UI while in RTL - SearchCodex App
Here is a collection of screenshots showing English words/phrases appearing in FOLIO SearchCodex App UI (menus, dropdownlists, screen fields, help, notification/error messages, dialog boxes, etc.) while in RTL.
I start to wonder if CodexSearch matters anymore. The reason is because I have not seen much activities around this app since 2018, including exposing the app variables in terms of translation keys like the case with almost all of the other FOLIO apps.
Here is a collection of screenshots showing English words/phrases appearing in FOLIO SearchCodex App UI (menus, dropdownlists, screen fields, help, notification/error messages, dialog boxes, etc.) while in RTL.
RTL FOLIO Screen URL (main page): http://folio-testing.aws.indexdata.com/codexsearch?filters=available.Available%20online&qindex=title&query=&sort=title
RTL FOLIO Screen URL (Searching): http://folio-testing.aws.indexdata.com/codexsearch?filters=available.Available%20online%2Ctype.Databases&qindex=subject&query=science&sort=title
RTL FOLIO Screen URL (Search Results): http://folio-testing.aws.indexdata.com/codexsearch?filters=available.Available%20online%2Csource.Knowledge%20Base%2Ctype.eBooks&qindex=subject&query=science&sort=title