Redirect directly to record by itself instead of search?



This came up during the Nov. 29 stripes architecture call.

ui-agreements needs to be hooked up to the Codex Search. The Codex Search module itself is responsible for constructing the url for either ui-inventory or ui-eholdings, so the Codex Search front-end would need updates to start supporting ui-agreements. We'd like to be able to invert that control - where instead, any module can report its record url structure to stripes-core, which ui-search can pull the info from. This will enable any module developer to hook into the Codex Search without changes needed to the Codex Search front end.

Another complication: the filters will differ among different modules the Codex Search can hook into. We already see this with the mismatch between Codex Search and eHoldings. Codex Search shouldn't need to have any knowledge of what filters are exposed on the front-end of other modules.


Stop passing the filters from the Codex Search on redirect. Instead go directly to a record, without any search/filter UI.

Then individual modules can register their record URLs without any knowledge of Codex Search's filters.







For manual testing:

  • Search the Codex by typing "bridget" into the search box and filters. weird behavior sometimes when searching; codex changes the default search to FOLIO ID; sometimes searches only local, even when you don't have local selected; see attached video

  • After locating the record you're interested in, you click on it.

  • Folio then switches you to the Inventory app with the entry for Bridget Jones's Baby open.

Former action:

  • Additionally, the search box in the Inventory is prepopulated with the term "bridget", mirroring what you entered.

  • Also, if you turned on any filters in Codex, it'll do a best effort at matching those filters to ones that exist in Inventory.

New action:

  • What this issue proposes is to remove everything in that scenario after the word "Additionally."

  • So you'd still open the record in the correct app and the display wouldn't change, but the search query and filters would not be carried over into the new app.

  • The search box would be blank and filters would be empty (unless the app itself defines some minimum set of filters, but that's separate from this discussion).

  • Problem when trying to return to Codex; get the page unstable message; see attached video



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Niels Erik Nielsen March 13, 2019 at 8:55 AM

Yes , please go ahead and file observed issues as bugs, including the problem with going back to Codex.

This PR – that I was merely tasked with merging – may or may not have caused the issue with going back to Codex but that is academic at this point. Any ui-search bugs will have to be reported and prioritized to get fixed.

I'll close this issue as done so it can be released this week.

Ann-Marie Breaux March 12, 2019 at 8:06 PM

I tested it in folio-snapshot, and this ticket's worth of stuff worked fine, except when I tried to go back to the Codex. There were several other issues with Codex though, mainly 1) changing the search type to FOLIO ID when I didn't tell it to and 2) limiting the search to only local or KB, when no local/KB filter or both local/KB filters were applied. See attached video (2 parts). Should any of these be written up as separate bugs?

Niels Erik Nielsen March 12, 2019 at 7:25 AM

, is out for another project this week.

If you or wouldn't mind testing it according to Jeffrey's description, Charlotte probably wouldn't mind you testing it either.

Ann-Marie Breaux March 12, 2019 at 6:12 AM

HI - still in our manual testing queue. Is there something we should test? Or is it something that someone else should review and close?

Ann-Marie Breaux March 7, 2019 at 9:13 PM

HI - this showed up in our manual testing queue. Is there something we should test? Or is it something that someone else should review and close?







Development Team


Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 29, 2018 at 4:23 PM
Updated March 13, 2019 at 8:56 AM
Resolved March 13, 2019 at 8:56 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs