- (FSE Dry run 1) Already assigned users don't have checkboxes during unassign processUIROLES-138Resolved issue: UIROLES-138Ryan Berger
- Inadvertent clearing of all capabilities/capabilitySets when editing rolesUIROLES-100Resolved issue: UIROLES-100Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- (FSE Dry run 1) UUID is not shown in address bar when viewing authorization roleUIROLES-88Resolved issue: UIROLES-88
- (FSE Dry run 1) Unchecked checkboxes for capabilities/sets are shown in authorization role's detailed viewUIROLES-83Resolved issue: UIROLES-83
- (FSE Dry run 1) Some capabilities/sets not sorted by "Resource" value when creating/editing an authorization roleUIROLES-82Resolved issue: UIROLES-82
- No edit option for shared MARC bib/authority in Member tenantUIIN-3150Resolved issue: UIIN-3150Yauhen Viazau
- (FSE Dry run 1) Holding titles are shown inconsistently while moving item within an instanceUIIN-2792Resolved issue: UIIN-2792
- (ECS) "Permission sets" tab is shown in "Consortium manager" → "Users"UICONSET-184Resolved issue: UICONSET-184
- Filtering 'Circulation log' by description does not work properlyUICIRCLOG-156Resolved issue: UICIRCLOG-156
- (FSE Dry run 1) Automatically logged into Central tenant after logging out from Member tenantSTCOR-923Resolved issue: STCOR-923
- (ECS) Automatically logged into Central tenant after logging out from Member tenantSTCOR-900Resolved issue: STCOR-900Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- After redirect on login to a certain page, this page is opened on all consecutive loginsSTCOR-885Resolved issue: STCOR-885Ryan Berger
- fixed-length session timeout banner may scroll off-screen or otherwise be hiddenSTCOR-883Resolved issue: STCOR-883Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- User is automatically logged back in after fixed session timeout expiresSTCOR-880Resolved issue: STCOR-880Zak Burke
- (FSE Dry run 1) Idle session timeout not working properlySTCOR-874Resolved issue: STCOR-874Zak Burke
- "We are sorry" screen after logging out from Member tenantSTCOR-857Resolved issue: STCOR-857
- Unable to logout on FirefoxSTCOR-840Resolved issue: STCOR-840
- Unable to edit profile pictures (Access denied)MODUSERSKC-43Resolved issue: MODUSERSKC-43
- (Dry run1) Missing some interfaces on non ECS envMODROLESKC-284Michelle Suranofsky
- (Dry run1) "Consortium manager" app shouldn't be present in General collections affiliationMODROLESKC-283Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-283Yury Barsukou
- 403 when using the password reset linkMODROLESKC-217Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-217Craig McNally
- [LoC/FSE Dry run 1] Downloading file doesn't work for Core and Supplementary documentsMODROLESKC-195Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-195Oleksii Kuzminov
- (Eureka Dry run 1) Invoice can not be approvedEUREKA-711
- (Dry run) Admin user cannot edit and derive Shared Marc Bib record in Member tenantEUREKA-667Resolved issue: EUREKA-667
- (Dry run) Admin user and user with corresponding capabilities cannot edit, export and delete Shared Marc Authority record in Member tenantEUREKA-666Resolved issue: EUREKA-666
- (Dry run) Cannot import/create MARC Authority/Holdings recordsEUREKA-665Michelle Suranofsky
- (Dry run) EDIFACT order export job does not run in scheduled timeEUREKA-664Resolved issue: EUREKA-664
- (FSE Dry run 1 ECS) Empty Acquisition units drop-downEUREKA-662Resolved issue: EUREKA-662
- (FSE Dry run 1) Errors in Data Import app when importing large amount of recordsEUREKA-600
- (FSE dry run 1) No DCB Calendar in calendars on crs-sandbox2EUREKA-597Resolved issue: EUREKA-597Michelle Suranofsky
- (FSE Dry run 1) "Something went wrong" screen when clicking on any option in "Settings" → "Circulation" → "Staff slips"EUREKA-594
- (FSE Dry run 1) "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib" job profile completes data import run with errors for file without subfield "a" in 1XX fieldEUREKA-593Resolved issue: EUREKA-593
- EUREKA | ECS| "Set record for deletion" option is not visible for shared instance on Member tenantEUREKA-551Resolved issue: EUREKA-551
- (FSE Dry run 1 ECS) 403 response OAI-PMH API calls with Edge URL/keyEUREKA-496Michelle Suranofsky
- (FSE Dry run 1) "undefined" instead of donor name when creating Filed mapping profileEUREKA-399
- (FSE Dry run 1) "keyword" index is not used in query when searching users by KeywordEUREKA-398Resolved issue: EUREKA-398
- (FSE Dry run 1) License cannot be deletedEUREKA-370Resolved issue: EUREKA-370Yauhen Vavilkin
- Capabilities/sets for loan override renewal do not provide enough permissions for a userEUREKA-329Resolved issue: EUREKA-329
- (ECS) "Consortium manager" app available in Member tenantsEUREKA-311Resolved issue: EUREKA-311
- Cannot create an agreement on FSE Dry run 1 (403 error for /erm/validate/subscriptionAgreement/name )EUREKA-287Resolved issue: EUREKA-287Mykola Makhin
- Cannot open an agreement on FSE Dry run 1 ("Something went wrong" screen)EUREKA-286Resolved issue: EUREKA-286
- (FSE Dry run 1) 403 Forbidden response when sending the GET request to {{Edge URL}}/courses/reserves. Permission issue.EUREKA-283Resolved issue: EUREKA-283Michelle Suranofsky
- Import of .edi file is stuck in DIEUREKA-253Resolved issue: EUREKA-253
- 502 response in module folio/data-exportEUREKA-249Resolved issue: EUREKA-249
- (FSE Dry run 1) Cannot import MARC recordsEUREKA-246Resolved issue: EUREKA-246
- ECS | Assigned user roles are displayed only for active affiliation on user details paneEUREKA-241Resolved issue: EUREKA-241
- (FSE Dry run 1) Requests using Edge URL return 503 errorEUREKA-237Resolved issue: EUREKA-237
- [LoC/FSE Dry run 1] Cannot export listEUREKA-236Resolved issue: EUREKA-236
- Cannot import MARC recordsEUREKA-232Resolved issue: EUREKA-232
- (FSE Dry run 1) Cannot create/import MARC Holdings, MARC authoritiesEUREKA-224Resolved issue: EUREKA-224Kateryna Senchenko
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