Yauhen Viazau
Yauhen ViazauDevelopment Team
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Quesnelia (R1 2024)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created December 12, 2024 at 3:23 PM
Updated January 5, 2025 at 11:40 AM
Steps to reproduce:
Login to FSE Dry run 1 (
Go to “Data import” app
Click on “or choose file“ button
Select a file with thousands of MARC Bib records (you can use the attached .mrc file with 10k records)
Select “Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib“ job profile
Click on “Actions” in the third pane → Select “Run“ option
Click on “Run” button in appeared modal
Expected result:
After some time, several log rows for chunks (parts) of the total amount of the uploaded records appear in the second pane.
All rows have “File name” value equal to name of the uploaded file with digit postfixes (“_1“, “_2”, etc.)
All rows have “Completed“ status.
The sum of “Records“ values for all rows equals to the total amount of uploaded records.
Actual result:
Some of the rows have “Completed with error“ status.
When such logs opened, if you click on the record titles in the log, the the following error message is displayed on “Incoming record“, “SRS MARC“, “Instance“ tabs:
io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable: Failed to create MARC record in SRS, instanceId: '21fd5824-c34d-417d-a638-d6615a130dd8', jobExecutionId: '0a7e612b-4c41-4829-a063-73dd4c5bb1dc', status code: , Record:
The import job remains shown in the first pane in “Running“ accordion until it is manually stopped. The progress is stuck on a values <= 100%, and some job parts may not be finished.
Sometimes, further import jobs (with lesser amount of records) are then also stuck in progress. This is NOT consistently reproducible
Additional information:
Not active on Eureka Bugfest env ( )
Not reproducible on Okapi Snapshot
Related test case -
See example: