Yauhen Viazau
Yauhen ViazauDevelopment Team
Trillium (R2 2025)
RCA Group
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 1, 2024 at 11:14 AM
Updated February 24, 2025 at 5:27 PM
A donor organization (organization with “Donor“ checkbox checked) exists in the system
Steps to reproduce:
Log into
Go to "Settings" application-> "Data import" -> "Field mapping profiles"
Click "Actions" button -> Select "New field mapping profile" option
Populate following fields:
"Name*" field - Testing donor field (or any unique value)
"Incoming record type*" dropdown - select "MARC Bibliographic" option
"FOLIO record type*" dropdown - select "Order" option
"Purchase order status" mappable checkbox - select "Open" option
"Approved" checkbox - Checked
"Vendor*" field - select "GOBI Library Solutions" option via the "Organization look-up" option link
"Title*" field - enter "245$a"
"Acquisition method*" Select any value from the dropdown list
"Order format*" Select "Physical resource" from the dropdown list
"Receiving workflow*" Select "Synchronized" from the dropdown list
"Physical unit price" field - enter "20"
"Quantity physical" field - enter "1"
"Currency*" - select "USD" option from dropdown list
"Electronic unit price" field - Disabled and blank
"Quantity electronic" field - Disabled and blank
"Create inventory" (Physical resources accordion) - leave blank
"Material type" (Physical resources accordion) - leave blank
"Create inventory" (E-resources details accordion) - Disabled and blank
"Material type" (E-resources accordion) - Disabled and blank
Check "Donor information" accordion between "PO line details" and "Vendor" accordions → Click "Add donor" button
Click "Donor look-up" hyperlink
Select any active donor organization → Click “Save“ button in modal
Expected result:
The name of the selected donor organization is shown in “Donor“ field.
Actual result:
“undefined“ text is shown in “Donor“ field.
Additional information:
When using a created profile with “Donor“ = “undefined“ for importing orders, “Donor information“ accordion is empty in imported order
NOT reproducible on Q Bugfest ( )
NOT reproducible on Eureka snapshot (
See example: