Preferred first name, middle name, honorific and suffix.
Middle name is in the UI already.
What is required for go-live? Sounds like everyone feels all four fields are needed. Important for patron to be able to be communicated with the way they want to.
Where do these data elements need to be used?
These fields need to be tokenized to include in patron notices.
Checkout screen.
Available to APIs, data integrations. Are there considerations for staff user records? Things that might need to be retained for, say, contracts histories.
Uschi - working with Data Migration field - is there a need to accommodate data type controls? E.g., specify the types of suffixes that the system can do?
Question about Filip's email related to custom fields - can we find out how that is going to be prioritized?
JIRA rankings may need to be revised to reflect importance - JIRA 33.
Getting issue details...
(Note - Tania will cycle off of PO role at end of June. We do not know who is cycling onto that role.)
MODUSERS-113 — three IDs question. Tania has reached out to the dev lead to ask about who they can talk to about scoping this need appropriately.