2019-11-13 Meeting notes

2019-11-13 Meeting notes




  • Topics for possible face-to-face discussions in WOLFCon.

Discussion items

5minPick note takerMauraMaura volunteered as note-taker for this meeting.
25min Face-to-face discussion of UM topicsPatty W.

Proposed UM discussion topics at WOLFCon:

  • Loading/connecting to user data through campus IdM.  Nancy will talk to Jason Root.
  • Users 101: Patron groups, Patron statistics, Patron management, Reporting, Deleting users.  RA-SIG would be interested in a joint meeting
  • Permissions and permission sets (Patty will talk to Cate B.): 
    • permission cleanup - does the permission do what it says it does?
    • granularity of permissions.
    • possibly establish naming conventions for permissions
    • better documenation
    • Goal: Create a set of realistic permissions for a fictitious library

Action items
