Pointing Features for Kiwi Release

Pointing Features for Kiwi Release

For more information, see the Planning Process Proposal

Instructions for Institutions

  1. Download a copy of the Feature Pointing Worksheet spreadsheet. 
  2. Use this spreadsheet within your institution to determine how your institution's points will be spent.  As mentioned previously, the best approach is to think about your institution's "pain points" and find the related features in the spreadsheet.  If a feature important to your institution in not included in the spreadsheet, add it as a row on the bottom of your institution's spreadsheet.
  3. If you have questions for Holly, please ask them on the folio-implementers Slack channel rather than directly to Holly.  This allows others to learn from the exchange.
  4. Make sure that the points applied in Column D of your institution's spreadsheet do not exceed 100 (see "Total Points used:" in Cell A1).  Also, you may not apply more than 20 points to any one feature.
  5. Have the designated pointer for your institution update the actual Feature Pointing Ballot by April 30 (at 5:00 PM US EST).

Instructions for Designated Pointers

  1. Update the actual Feature Pointing Ballot by April 30 (at 5:00 PM US EST).
  2. If you encounter permission issues, please contact Holly Mistlebauer via Slack DM. 
  3. If a feature important to your institution in not included in the spreadsheet, add it as a row on the bottom of the "ballot" spreadsheet.
  4. If you have questions, please ask them on the folio-implementers Slack channel or via a Slack DM to Holly Mistlebauer.

Features included in the ballot must meet these requirements...

  • Feature was not closed as of April 9.
  • Feature does not have a Fix Version of R1 2021 or R2 2021.
  • Feature has at least one "R1" or "R2" institution "Rank" OR feature was created on or after January 1, 2021 (new features may not have been "ranked" yet, so we don't want to exclude them).

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