Designated Pointers
Designated Pointers
Institution | Your Name | Email(s) to give permission to in Google | Permission entered in Google? |
University of Alabama | Tom Wilson | thomas.wilson.ua@gmail.com | Yes |
Duke | Karen Newbery | karen.newbery.duke@gmail.com | Yes |
Missouri State University | Brooks Travis | brooks.travis@gmail.com | Yes |
Cornell University | Debra Howell | wahini03@gmail.com | Yes |
Michigan State University | Kay Granskog and Shawn Nicholson | granskog@msu.edu and nicho147@msu.edu | Yes |
Five Colleges | Aaron Neslin | sbischof@library.umass.edu and aneslin@umass.edu | Yes |
Chalmers University of Techhnology | Marie Widigson & Johanna Nilsson | Yes | |
Texas A&M University | Paula Sullenger | Yes | |
Stanford University | Darsi Rueda | Yes | |
Linköping University | Eva Sejmyr | eva.sejmyr@liu.se | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
GBV | Martina Schildt | Yes | |
Grand Valley State University | Patrick Roth | rothpa@mail.gvsu.edu | Yes |
Lehigh University | Chulin Meng | chm213@lehigh.edu | Yes |
Simmons University / FLO | Jay Campell | jay.campbell@simmons.edu | Yes |
State and University Library Bremen | Martina Schildt | Yes | |
Hamburg University of Technology Library | Martina Schildt | Yes | |
ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics | Martina Schildt | Yes | |
HAW Hamburg Libraries | Martina Schildt | Yes | |
University Library Hildesheim | Martina Schildt | Yes | |
HafenCity University Library Hamburg | Martina Schildt | Yes | |
Leipzig University Library | Björn Muschall | Yes | |
Spokane Public Library | Robert Roose | rroose@spokanelibrary.org | Yes |
Universidad de Concepción | Karen Jara | Karenjaram@udec.cl | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
University of Liverpool (ERM) | Elizabeth Lowe | Elizabeth.Lowe@liverpool.ac.uk | Yes |
MacEwan University (ERM) | Susan Jones | JonesS@macewan.ca | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Widener University (ERM) | Roz Goldstein | rmgoldstein@widener.edu | Yes |
St. Michael's College | Stacey Knight | sknight3@smcvt.edu | Yes |
Trinity College, Cambridge | Ben Taylor | ben.taylor@trin.cam.ac.uk | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia (ERM) | Maria Raffaella | mariaraffaella.ingrosso@unimore.it | Yes |
Skidmore College | Marta Brunner | mbrunner@skidmore.edu | Yes |
University of Tennessee Martin | Ann Funkhouser | afunkhou@utm.edu | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Chapman University (ERM) | Brett Fisher | bfisher@chapman.edu | Yes |
Lafayette College | Joel Pearce | pearcejv@lafayette.edu | Yes |
Brandman University (ERM) | Derek Densberger | derek.densberger@brandman.edu | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Middle Tennessee State University | Robert Wilson | robert.wilson@mtsu.edu | Yes |
CalTech | Laurel Narizny | narizny@caltech.edu | Yes |
Flagler College | Brian Nesselrode | bness@flagler.edu | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Louisana State University (ERM) | Megan Lounsbury | mlouns1@lsu.edu | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Roseman University of Health Sciences (ERM) | Suzanne Fayle | sfayle@roseman.edu | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Università degli Studi di Ferrara (ERM) | Marina Contarini | Yes | |
Washington & Jefferson College | Jackie Laick Beth Miller | jlaick@washjeff.edu bmiller@washjeff.edu | Yes, but provided email address bmiller@washjeff.edu does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
St Thomas University, Florida | Jessica Orozco | jmorozco@stu.edu | Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Warner University | Mary Thoresen Virginia Schnarre | mary.thoresen@warner.edu virginia.schnarre@warner.edu | Yes |
St Vincent College | Bridget Hornyak Fr. Matthias Martinez | bridget.hornyak@stvincent.edu | Yes, but provided email addresses do not have an associated Google account. This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google. Please do not share this link with anyone else. |
Okanagan College | Ross Tyner | rhtyner@gmail.com | Yes |
Villanova University | Demian Katz | demian.katz@villanova.edu | Yes |
Universidad de Zaragoza | Cristina Gareta | cgareta@ibaiscanbit.com | Yes |
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze | No, need name and email address to use in Google. | ||
Jio Institute | Savitra Sirohi | savitra.sirohi@gmail.com | Yes |
EBSCO | Harry Kaplanian | Yes | |
Index Data | Charlotte Whitt | Yes | |
ByWater Solutions | Ian Walls | ian@bywatersolutions.com | Yes |
University of Chicago | Tod Olson | tod@uchicago.edu | Yes |
Shanghai Library | Lucy Liu | twliu@utexas.edu | Yes |
BibLibre | Paul Poulain | paul.poulain@biblibre.com | Yes |
College of the Holy Cross | Bob Scheier | rscheier@holycross.edu | Yes |
PTFS Europe Limited | Mark Gavillet | mark.gavillet@ptfs-europe.com | Yes |
CU Boulder | Paul Moeller | paul.moeller@colorado.edu | Yes |
Saxon State and University Library (SLUB Dresden) | Björn Muschall | Yes |
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