Designated Pointers

Designated Pointers

InstitutionYour NameEmail(s) to give permission to in GooglePermission entered in Google?
University of AlabamaTom Wilsonthomas.wilson.ua@gmail.comYes
DukeKaren Newberykaren.newbery.duke@gmail.comYes
Missouri State UniversityBrooks Travisbrooks.travis@gmail.comYes
Cornell UniversityDebra Howellwahini03@gmail.comYes
Michigan State UniversityKay Granskog and Shawn Nicholsongranskog@msu.edu and nicho147@msu.eduYes
Five CollegesAaron Neslinsbischof@library.umass.edu and aneslin@umass.eduYes
Chalmers University of TechhnologyMarie Widigson & Johanna Nilsson

marie.widigson@chalmers.se and njohanna@chalmers.se

Texas A&M UniversityPaula Sullenger


Stanford UniversityDarsi Rueda


Linköping UniversityEva Sejmyreva.sejmyr@liu.se Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
GBVMartina SchildtYes
Grand Valley State UniversityPatrick Rothrothpa@mail.gvsu.eduYes
Lehigh UniversityChulin Mengchm213@lehigh.eduYes
Simmons University / FLOJay Campelljay.campbell@simmons.eduYes
State and University Library BremenMartina SchildtYes
Hamburg University of Technology LibraryMartina SchildtYes
ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for EconomicsMartina SchildtYes
HAW Hamburg LibrariesMartina SchildtYes
University Library HildesheimMartina SchildtYes
HafenCity University Library HamburgMartina SchildtYes
Leipzig University LibraryBjörn Muschall


Spokane Public LibraryRobert Roose rroose@spokanelibrary.orgYes
Universidad de Concepción Karen JaraKarenjaram@udec.clYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
University of Liverpool (ERM)Elizabeth LoweElizabeth.Lowe@liverpool.ac.ukYes
MacEwan University (ERM)Susan Jones JonesS@macewan.caYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Widener University (ERM)Roz Goldsteinrmgoldstein@widener.eduYes
St. Michael's CollegeStacey Knightsknight3@smcvt.eduYes
Trinity College, CambridgeBen Taylorben.taylor@trin.cam.ac.ukYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia (ERM)Maria Raffaellamariaraffaella.ingrosso@unimore.itYes
Skidmore CollegeMarta Brunnermbrunner@skidmore.eduYes
University of Tennessee MartinAnn Funkhouserafunkhou@utm.eduYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else. 
Chapman University (ERM)Brett Fisherbfisher@chapman.eduYes
Lafayette CollegeJoel Pearcepearcejv@lafayette.eduYes
Brandman University (ERM)  Derek Densbergerderek.densberger@brandman.eduYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Middle Tennessee State University Robert Wilson robert.wilson@mtsu.eduYes
CalTech Laurel Nariznynarizny@caltech.eduYes
Flagler CollegeBrian Nesselrodebness@flagler.eduYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Louisana State University (ERM)Megan Lounsburymlouns1@lsu.eduYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Roseman University of Health Sciences (ERM)Suzanne Faylesfayle@roseman.eduYes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Università degli Studi di Ferrara (ERM)Marina Contarini


Washington & Jefferson CollegeJackie Laick
Beth Miller
Yes, but provided email address bmiller@washjeff.edu does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
St Thomas University, FloridaJessica Orozcojmorozco@stu.edu Yes, but provided email address does not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Warner University Mary Thoresen
Virginia Schnarre
St Vincent CollegeBridget Hornyak
Fr. Matthias Martinez


Yes, but provided email addresses do not have an associated Google account.  This means you will need to use the link that was sent to you in the email from Google.  Please do not share this link with anyone else.  
Okanagan CollegeRoss Tynerrhtyner@gmail.comYes
Villanova University Demian Katzdemian.katz@villanova.eduYes
Universidad de ZaragozaCristina Garetacgareta@ibaiscanbit.comYes
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze

No, need name and email address to use in Google.
Jio InstituteSavitra Sirohisavitra.sirohi@gmail.comYes
EBSCOHarry Kaplanian


Index DataCharlotte Whitt


ByWater SolutionsIan Wallsian@bywatersolutions.com Yes
University of ChicagoTod Olsontod@uchicago.edu Yes
Shanghai LibraryLucy Liutwliu@utexas.eduYes
BibLibrePaul Poulainpaul.poulain@biblibre.comYes
College of the Holy CrossBob Scheierrscheier@holycross.eduYes
PTFS Europe LimitedMark Gavilletmark.gavillet@ptfs-europe.comYes
CU BoulderPaul Moellerpaul.moeller@colorado.eduYes
Saxon State and University Library (SLUB Dresden)Björn Muschall



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