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What reports are course data only vs circulation or item only reports
Reports that are item + course data
Kelly Drake to add a list of fields that are course app only
Unresolved issues
In the Copyright tracking sections we really need to come up with better text for this:
Different sections of this item used in this book [check box]
Additional sections of this item used in this course check box
Need to track additional portions of this items are used in this course
This is in Ares but the copyright functionality might not be used.
Kelly Drake to ask developers if we can tie enrollment to the a course (lti?) even though this is way beyond the current scope of the project.
"Payment based on" Wendy Wilcox can weigh in on Ares use. : could be a controlled vocabulary
payment usually based on CCC and enrollment in course, but it could by the number of people who actually access the file.
Decided that this will be a notes field
Active Course Status
Select box function for "Active" and "Inactive" or Publish? (separate from date)
but how to set on an ongoing bases?
or could the user just not add a Term?
New Issue Discovered!
Faculty sometimes want a 'custom' title.
There is no mechanism to link an item that is part of another item. Ex: chapter of one book is not linked to the book. This can be used for citation information.
But this does not seem to be an issue at most libraries
Duke and Amherst need all the bibliographic info (Chapter and title, etc) to display