RA - Reserves September 10, 2019

RA - Reserves September 10, 2019



10:00 Eastern @https://zoom.us/j/580817848


Kelly Drake


New England Conservatory Library

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Wendy Wilcox

Andrea Loigman

Elizabeth Chenette

Patrick Sanders

Discussion items

1minDevelopment plan, timeline and Sub-group goals

Sept 10 - Active Course Status and Interoperability

Sept 17 - Moodle demo of Course Reserves

Sept 17 - Reporting

Sept 17 - LTI with Duke re: Course Reserves

Sept 24 - Fast Add

Reporting homework - Course Data Reports

Item reports vs Course info reports

  • What reports are course data only vs circulation or item only reports
  • Reports that are item + course data
  • Kelly Drake  to add a list of fields that are course app only 

Unresolved issues


  • In the Copyright tracking sections we really need to come up with better text for this:
    • Different sections of this item used in this book [check box]
    • Additional sections of this item used in this course check box
    • Need to track additional portions of this items are used in this course
    • This is in Ares but the copyright functionality might not be used. 
    • Kelly Drake to ask developers if we can tie enrollment to the a course (lti?) even though this is way beyond the current scope of the project. 
  • "Payment based on" Wendy Wilcox  can weigh in on Ares use. : could be a controlled vocabulary
    • payment usually based on CCC and enrollment in course, but it could by the number of people who actually access the file.
    • Decided that this will be a notes field

Active Course Status

  • Select box function for "Active" and "Inactive" or Publish?  (separate from date)
    • but how to set on an ongoing bases?
  • or could the user just not add a Term?

New Issue Discovered!

Faculty sometimes want a 'custom' title.  

There is no mechanism to link an item that is part of another item. Ex: chapter of one book is not linked to the book.  This can be used for citation information. 

  • But this does not seem to be an issue at most libraries
  • Duke and Amherst need all the bibliographic info (Chapter and title, etc) to display
    • Could be part of fast add (forms part off)

Interoperability - Discovery layer



Blacklight.  EX: http://blacklight.flo.org/

All of the following options are also determined by the Discovery layer but...

What fields/data should be viewable? 

  • Course name, number, section, instructor, etc

What fields should be discoverable?

What fields/data should not be exposed?

  • copyright?

Action items

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